Re: Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house
Posted by Bridget on 5/29/05
On 5/27/05, rrr wrote:
> On 5/26/05, Keith wrote:
>> Our family trust, set up by my dad and mom owns a
> residence house and a rental house. "
> Oh, yeah. Hire a Laywer and throw the Tenant out, get him
> out, now. Then have the Lawyer get you clearance to sell
> the property. This will bring all the issue to the front
> quick (ok, quick in laywer's time). If the lawsuit is as
> frivolous as you claim, then the Court should both let you
> kick the tenant out, and sell the property relatively early
> in the game.
First you need to seek a Real Estate Lawyer, you are looking
at $400 to $500 an hour, but well worth the money.
Than let me tell you it's not easy just to get rid of a
tenant, have you read tenants rights? they have more rights
than the Landlords, Tenants are consider poor, while Landlords
are the rich, heartless people
To evict a tenant you have to go thru a legal procedure, your
Real Estate Attorney will tell you how...can be thru Summons
and Complaint etc., depends on the whole situation
The only way the tenants have the right to buy is if they have
a WRITTEN agreement, between the owner and the tenant, with a
valid date, signatures from both etc., otherwise his words and
that of his Lawyers mean nothing...Yes eviction is the first
step to follow the rest, I just hope that at the end of 5 days
notice, the tenants don't come up with an 'Automatic Stay' :(
Best of luck
I never want to deal with tenants again...he he :)
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house, 5/26/05, by Keith .
- Re: Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house, 5/26/05, by rrr.
- Re: Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house, 5/27/05, by rrr.
- Re: Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house, 5/29/05, by Bridget.
- Re: Frivolous lawsuit could tie up house, 5/29/05, by rrr.