Post: Almost died...Negligence?
Posted by Joe on 5/27/05
I had been seen in ER on 5/4/05 for abdominal pain. After a simple x-ray, was released with diagnosis of abdominal wall strain. I have a history of diverticular disease and this was on my discharge instructions as well. On 5/5/05, my pain was worse and my family doctor suspected a perforated colon, which after having a CT scan done, it was confirmed. I had emergency surgery that night. Now have a colostomy and open abdominal wound left to heal by secondary intention. On 5/6/05, my blood pressure kept dropping, the surgeon had me transferred to another facility via helicopter due to respiratory failure and shock. I was on life support for 4 days. I believe the ER doctor did not provide an appropriate standard of care. Would this be a legit claim for malpractice?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Almost died...Negligence?, 5/27/05, by Joe.
- Re: Almost died...Negligence?, 5/27/05, by v.
- Re: Almost died...Negligence?, 8/08/05, by Anne.