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    Re: Boyfriends ex-wife slander- how can I get her to stop

    Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 5/23/07

    Just look up Slander or Libel (written false statements) on the
    internet and start to read. With slander you will need to
    prove "special damages" meaning your profession or reputation
    was injured by the statements. You will have to separate
    OPINION with intentional or reckless disregard of the truth. If
    there are some rumours about you circulating in your home town
    then repeating what she has heard is not Slander but rather
    reporting. Only if she presents the story as true then it is

    Res Ipsa Loquitur

    On 5/23/07, tracy wrote:
    > Have you gotten any resonses or help to your situation? I am
    > in a simular situation and found this site and read your
    > situation, but I do not see any answers. Please tell me there
    > are answers and rights to us against this sort of stuff, I
    > find it slander.
    > Tracy
    > On 8/23/05, Neneola wrote:
    >> On 6/27/05, joy wrote:
    >>> After a messy break-up of my boyfriends marriage I have
    >>> become a target for her. She lies about me to others and
    >>> their children who live with us and sends my boyfriend e-
    >>> mails calling me names and saying statements that are
    >>> absolutly false about my past that she claims she heard
    >>> from people in my home town (which is impossible because
    >>> of the distance and I was very happily married until the
    >>> death of my husband). She has also called me stupid names
    >>> over the phone and has told people I work with that I
    >>> broke up their marriage and has even gotten some of my
    >>> work friends alienated from me with her lies. How can I
    >>> get her to stop doing this. I live in a small town in
    >>> wisconsin. Thanks
    >> Once someone knows how to stop this, please let me know too!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Boyfriends ex-wife slander- how can I get her to stop, 6/27/05, by joy.
  • Re: Do any of the boards work?, 7/04/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Boyfriends ex-wife slander- how can I get her to stop, 8/23/05, by Neneola.
  • Re: Boyfriends ex-wife slander- how can I get her to stop, 5/23/07, by tracy.
  • Re: Boyfriends ex-wife slander- how can I get her to stop, 5/23/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.

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