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    Post: Med Malpractice- Insurance wants to settle HELP

    Posted by Stacey on 11/30/05

    I had a laparoscopy in March 05 with the thought that I
    had endometriosis. My Ob/Gyn performed an ablation without
    consent(ALL the forms did NOT list that procedure ANYWHERE)
    As a result- I cannot have anymore children. I was 31
    years old when this happened. I remarried 3 years ago and
    my husband and I were going to untie my tubes and try to
    become pregnant after 4 years of marriage.I contacted an
    attorney and the insurance company came back with a $20k
    offer and then up to $50k where they say its there last
    offer. They are basically admitting battery, but will not
    even acknowledge that I could have had more children.
    Their expert will testify that I would not have conceived
    anyway...... I had pre-eclampsia with my son who was born
    9 years ago, that is their basis for their decision. By
    the way, I had NOTHING wrong with my female organs from
    the surgical findings-no endometriosis. My gut is telling
    me not to take the $50k and push on to litigation, but I
    am confused. My attorney just left a very prominent
    practice to start his own private practice and my concern
    is that I have the wrong attorney. I am thinking that this
    is a quick $12,500 (he lowered his fee to 25% if we would
    go ahead and settle), but I feel like I am being screwed -
    The settlement agreement has all this legalize about no
    wrongdoing on his part etc... and I feel like an idiot for
    pursuing this. It is not about the money - If were to be
    awarded the cap of $350k it would not be enough money to
    change my life. I would still work everyday. It is the
    thought that he could do this to someone else and that I
    am left sterile because he screwed up. I always had the
    possibility of Invitro but no I have NO uterus. I had
    asked for $125k enought to pay $100k for a surrogate and
    $25k for the battery and I was told by my attorney that is
    when they offered $50k. HELP Thank you!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Med Malpractice- Insurance wants to settle HELP, 11/30/05, by Stacey.
  • Re: Med Malpractice- Insurance wants to settle HELP, 12/01/05, by Friend .
  • Re: Med Malpractice- Insurance wants to settle HELP, 12/01/05, by Stacy.

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