Post: CA--Nursing Homes and Insurance

Posted by WDA on 12/21/05
Could someone please help me search this answer. My daughter passed away in a nursing home, with proof evidence of their neglect. The attorney just informed me that the facility doesn't have insurance. Now how can this be? If no insurance, then what? Do I go after the facility property and/or the owners/inc. or how is this done. The attorney said good luck finding an attorney that would help me with medical malpractice/wrongful death/personal injury. My daughter did not reside in this facility, I placed her there on a 72 hour "respite", or a breather for myself, being she was completely disable and needed 24 hour supervision. The neglect was...the staff gave my daughter a drink, allowed her to choke, closed the curtain, and I found her deceased, after she was there 48 hours...I went in to take and feed her dinner to her. She wasn't taking a liking to the facilities food. There are many errors in the medical records in the 48 hrs. my daughter was there. I posted with "post-its" from 25-35 negligent/white out/scribbled over/ mess on the medical charts. Autopsy found she aspirated on fluid. If anyone could help me with this, I thank you. And yes, my attorney is very arrogant.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- CA--Nursing Homes and Insurance, 12/21/05, by WDA.