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    Post: police misconduct, defamation of charachter, due process vio

    Posted by Susan on 4/17/06

    I can't believe this state. Police leave me where I was
    assaulted, deny me medical assistance. falsify thier
    report, clearly and without a doubt. The deny my right
    right to due process. they deny thier own report. Now as I
    go to court to respond to their motion to dismis I see a
    drug couonselor from my past, a past I am very proud of
    changing making docmented changes in my community. This
    drug counselor the court was supposedly disnmissed on
    sexual misconduct charges, he is a pedator. The evidence is
    there. He now works in the courts again with vulneralbe
    women. By myself, with ptsd and a brain contusion, I have
    come far enough and have made discoveries that make it
    mandatory that I file in federal court. And I can't get
    lawyer. I am asking a minimal amount of money compared to
    the settlements attys reach. It's all there. No one has the
    Jewels to take on the case or they all sleep together.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • police misconduct, defamation of charachter, due process vio, 4/17/06, by Susan.
  • Re: police misconduct, defamation of charachter, due process, 4/23/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney at Law.
  • Re: police misconduct, defamation of charachter, due process, 4/24/06, by susan.

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