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    Re: Deformation of Character??? yes or no

    Posted by 123 on 5/04/06

    Whether language is defamatory depends upon whether it tends
    to bring you into ridicule or contempt, adversely affects
    your reputation, or otherwise lowers you in the estimation
    of society. You would be required to prove:
    1. That the statement(s) made by someone (coach?)
    was "published" to a third party who received and understood
    2. That the statement(s) made were about you.
    3. That the statements somehow damaged your reputation.

    From what you wrote, I believe you can meet the test in #1 &
    #2. You will also have to show how you were damaged. If you
    can meet this third test, my opinion is that you have a
    defamation claim, but be advised the other party could have
    some valid defenses. The big question is: How much were you
    damaged and what is it worth to you to pursue this legally?
    Only you can answer that question.

    On 5/03/06, Matt Meyer wrote:
    > My former soccer in college, who kicked my friend and I
    > the team has been telling my former teammates that my
    > freind and I are taking steriods. I can prove this is not
    > true with a simple urine test. He is also trying to
    > us from moving in with some other players on the team
    > because we are "a bad influence". Could any of this be
    > ground for a deformation lawsuit?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Deformation of Character??? yes or no, 5/03/06, by Matt Meyer.
  • Re: Deformation of Character??? yes or no, 5/04/06, by 123.

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