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    Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 6/22/06

    Perhaps we should change your screen name to "Naive Young Guy." The last
    time I tried one of these, the insurance company that was handling the
    defense had 3 lawyers and a paralegal sitting through a 2 1/2 day trial---
    each one billing by the hour. They had over $50,000 of legal expenses,
    but defended "on principle." My bill was over $22,000 and the court
    granted me over $14,000 of that. Before you advise the OP, are you
    prepared to guarantee that the landlord is paying out of pocket and
    doesn't have insurance?

    On 6/22/06, Some Young Guy wrote:
    > I agree with you that it is not Judge Judy. Do you really believe that
    > the defense is really going to spend the money on attorneys and pre-
    > motions over $1000 though? Any good attorney would recommend that the
    > landlord settle prior to trial. I would believe that the judge would be
    > just as irritated with the landlord for violating federal law as he
    > with the OP for attempting to collect what she can for the landlord's
    > wrongdoing. It all depends on the judge though.
    > The defendant is a simple landlord who probably would be willing to
    > settle the case pre-trial for a reasonable amount rather than pay a
    > lawyer tons of money to make court difficult for the OP. I would get a
    > little aggressive with him. Probably the best way for the OP to settle
    > the issue would be to write the landlord a certified letter detailing
    > violation of the FCRA and offer a settlement to avoid trial of X (I
    > go for $1000 and see what happens) number of dollars with the condition
    > that he remove all information from OP's credit report.
    > There's loads of information and help here:
    > On 6/22/06, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >> I can appreciate your sympathy for the OP, but the defense attorneys
    >> and the court are gonna bury her in pre-trial procedural motions and
    >> rulings, discovery, epert witnesses, motions for summary judgment, a
    >> jury demand, preparation of jury instructions, preparation of a
    >> proposed judgment, etc, etc, etc. It ain't Judge Judy. You don't
    >> just walk in and tell the judge your story. And I can guarantee that
    >> no federal judge is gonna be happy about having a $1000 case taking up
    >> time on the docket.
    >> On 6/22/06, Some Young Guy wrote:
    >>> What do you mean, "assuming you can jump through enough hoops to get
    >>> that far in the court system." The poster can simply file a pro se
    >>> suit in Federal Court and let the judge decide if the landlord has
    >>> violated the act. I don't see any hoops needed to jump through here.
    >>> On 6/22/06, Some Young Guy wrote:
    >>>> You are correct about the "up to" $1000, however, current caselaw
    >>>> on the subject appears that courts typically award $1000 on a
    >>>> regular basis (especially if it proven that the landlord was
    >>>> INTENTIONALLY supplying inaccurate information to harm the OP).
    >>>> Mitigation would be appropriate for any actual damages beyond the
    >>>> statutory damages, however this would NOT eliminate the OP's
    >>>> ability to successfully pursue the statutory damages.
    >>>> On 6/22/06, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>>>> The statutory damages are "up to" $1000 at the court's
    >>>>> discretion plus any actual damages--assuming you can jump
    >>>>> through enough hoops to get that far in the court system. But
    >>>>> first, the OP needs to attempt to mitigate her damages by
    >>>>> disputing the information with the 3 major credit reporting
    >>>>> agencies and with the association that is supplying the
    >>>>> information. Odds are, neither the agencies nor the association
    >>>>> will be able to verify the information and it will be deleted.
    >>>>> Poof--there go the damages.
    >>>>> On 6/22/06, Some Young Guy wrote:
    >>>>>> Actually that is not correct. If your landlord intentionally
    >>>>>> put false information on your credit report he/she would be
    >>>>>> guilty of violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act and would be
    >>>>>> liable for $1000 of statutory damages (or actual damages if
    >>>>>> this was greater). I believe this would be a good case for
    >>>>>> Federal Court.
    >>>>>> On 6/21/06, Curmudgeon wrote:
    >>>>>>> You've been evicted, filed bankruptcy, and don't know the
    >>>>>>> English language. How much has your character
    >>>>>>> been "deformed" by this?
    >>>>>>> Yes, the landlord shouldn't be listing incorrect
    >>>>>>> information, but the monetary value of your case is worth
    >>>>>>> less than the cost of the electricity I used to post this.
    >>>>>>> On 6/21/06, Lashern wrote:
    >>>>>>>> About three years ago, we rented a basement apartment. In
    >>>>>>>> this my husband lost his job and we became behind in the
    >>>>>>>> rent and then went to eviction court to settle the debt.
    >>>>>>>> We advised the judge of the amount that we owed and a
    >>>>>>>> judgment was entered. Well, two weeks after that the
    >>>>>>>> landlord try to take us to court again for the same amount
    >>>>>>>> at a different court. We proved that we had already went
    >>>>>>>> to court for the same matter and that he was falsly
    >>>>>>>> accusing us of damaging the apartment, We had won that
    >>>>>>>> case. I filed Bankruptcy last year and had the judgment
    >>>>>>>> discharged. I recently receieved my credit report and
    >>>>>>>> noticed that the landlord is tapping on to my credit
    >>>>>>>> report by putting the case that we won on as a judgment as
    >>>>>>>> well as putting false debt amounts on my credit report
    >>>>>>>> through a company by the name of National Ass. of
    >>>>>>>> Independent Landlords. Can i take him to court for
    >>>>>>>> deformation of character for putting false information
    >>>>>>>> illegally on my credit report?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/21/06, by Lashern.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/21/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 6/22/06, by Some Young Guy (Maybe Naive, Maybe Not :)).
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 7/31/06, by der fuhrer.
  • Re: Old Landlord is posting illegal information, 7/31/06, by Curmudgeon.

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