Post: Assault & Battery
Posted by Diane on 7/10/06
This last week we were at a bar and a guy that owns another bar came up grabbed my husband and said I am going to kill you and started just punching him..I ran from the bathroom and then he punched me in the nose numerous times. We saw him at another bar and I said to him that he still owed me 40 dollars from a machine in his bar..We live in Wisconsin. They are illegal but they do pay out..His wife was playing one and won that amount. I mentioned that you expect to get paid..Well he said a few choice words and left..We went to another bar and I didnt even know he was there and all this started..I ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and they glued my nose back instead of stitches.My husband has been out with me 2 times in the last 5 months and he had no right to come up to him and say I am going to kill you and started punching..No one did nothing to provoke him at all there..I need help and probably a good lawyer..Please help..I have been looking for cases on this all over the computer to no luck..If someone writes me back I will go into more detail..His finances suck but he does own a bar. Not the one we got hit in..I refused to go in there long time ago...Thanks everyone.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Assault & Battery, 7/10/06, by Diane.