Post: 2 rear-end collisions unwinnable?
Posted by Karen T on 8/02/06
I was rear-ended on 2 occasions only a few weeks apart. First one, fully stopped, second one I was creeping forward in traffic when hit. I went to ER 72 hrs after 1st -- soft tissue injuries and I did not seek further med treatment assuming I would heal. 2nd accident, similar injuries with some new differences. I then sought help for injuries for both -- MRIs and such. No pre-existing. Attorneys unable to assign injuries severally. One insurance company represents both defendants. Coincidently, I was also insuranced by the self same insurance company. Therefore, I am being told this case unwinnable in court. Go figure.(2 accidents worse to try then 1 accident?)
Posts on this thread, including this one
- 2 rear-end collisions unwinnable?, 8/02/06, by Karen T.
- Re: 2 rear-end collisions unwinnable?, 8/02/06, by Dts.