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    Re: Prose in County Court

    Posted by Vd on 8/15/06

    Why is that Carol? Who are you by the way? It is just an ordinary
    case of debtor harrassment where the creditor is using or has
    enlisted the help of those using these technologies banned by the
    way by all the civilized nations in Europe. This is something we
    can look forward to from the least advanced people, who feel like
    kings, feel like gods. I am filing the claim myself so as not to
    have the counsel of lawyers like you .

    On 8/15/06, Carol wrote:
    > should have put this at the beginning since I'm sure no one
    > will read to the end of this: it's jiffy time!
    > On 8/15/06, Carol wrote:
    >> On 8/15/06, Vd wrote:
    >>> Can't find a lawyer.
    >>> Claim to be filed in County
    >>> Item 1. Contract for installment purchase of Suzuki Forenza
    >>> 2004. The total price that the contract stipulates is
    >>> $19,612.00. The price of this same car on the day of
    >>> purchase was $9,462.00. . The total price I am to pay to
    >>> comply with the terms of the contract is over twice as much
    >>> as the price of the car. I signed the contract knowingly. I
    >>> had been denied credit by two other agencies previously,
    >> and
    >>> needed a car. The point I've tried to make here is that the
    >>> contract is sufficiently lucrative to the seller. It is not
    >>> a charitable favor, so I can have a car. The terms of
    >>> payment were a downpayment of $6,500, and installments of
    >>> $64 per week payable at the beginning of the week. The
    >>> dealer made as much money out of this as any other sale.
    >>> I have here a recent publication addressing how widespread
    >>> consumer fraud is in the indsutry. And a letter from
    >>> Financial Services, I wrote them in terror when I returned
    >>> from Atlanta, while trying to bring the payments up to
    >>> date. For various reasons: 1. Hurricane Wilma 2. Christmas
    >>> Break 3. Fell ill in the schools while guest teaching, I
    >>> fell considerably behind in the payments. After I fell ill
    >>> in the school, I drove straight from there, with the things
    >>> I had in the car from the previoius days when we moved from
    >>> our apartment, my elderly mother included. I planned to go
    >>> to Augusta. But the symptoms became worse there, so I
    >>> continued to drive all the way to Atlanta. Sometime later I
    >>> finally threw up and felt better. Upon my return Safco
    >>> demanded in an almost violent manner, at their office, that
    >>> we pay $700 per week. They called mother (who is in her
    >> late
    >>> eighties, and I doggedly, threatening to take the car if we
    >>> did not bring the payments up to date. The man who appeared
    >>> to be manager told us that he would work with us. He meant
    >>> work on us. He was very loud yelling threats at us. I had
    >>> asked Safco in the mail and on the phone to send me an
    >>> updated bill. But they never did. I needed to know exactly
    >>> how much I was behind. I have a feeling that between $400
    >>> and $600 worth of payments never reached them. I have no
    >>> proof of this exactly. I live a hectic life and can't be as
    >>> organized as I would like. That is the reason I wrote to
    >>> Financial Services.
    >>> I could stop here and hope that I could achieve my ends by
    >>> reviewing the contract and its terms, as many consumers
    >> were
    >>> reported to have done in the web page enclosed. However, I
    >>> can't. I've got to address this more serious problem that
    >>> engulfs mother and I. There's a 4th reason I'm always far
    >>> behind in my payments these days. The reason is gasoline
    >>> expense and auto maintenance. A round trip to WPB from
    >> most
    >>> of Broward costs $30 worth of gasoline. Practically all of
    >>> my income has to be spent in gasoline needed to drive
    >> around
    >>> avoiding persecution. My 2004 Forenza's odometer registers
    >>> 99,000. Mother and I no longer have gas credit cards. We
    >>> topped them up and could not pay for them. These days I pay
    >>> for my gasoline in cash, lots of it.
    >>> I have been suffering this way slipping into indigency for
    >> a
    >>> period. I worked during the past three years and should
    >>> again this year at the Broward Schools, as a Substitute
    >>> Teacher. As soon as I finish work and even some days during
    >>> work, I feel sick or very uncomfortable or very frightened;
    >>> or all three things simulteneously. The symptoms are
    >> varied,
    >>> though some recurr often. I get purple swollen blood
    >>> vessels, muscular pains, itching, burning, liver pains,
    >>> cramps in my extremities, headaches, pains in my feet,
    >>> swollen ankles. Along with these constant rotations, I get
    >>> stellar symptoms. Right now for instance, I have segments
    >> of
    >>> someone's cold. I have the smell, taste, and tightness in
    >>> the chest, but do not have all the other symptoms that the
    >>> massive amount of pflegm that I've expectorated in the
    >>> morning, these last couple of days, would produce. And
    >>> recently I've experienced very disturbing pains on the
    >> sides
    >>> of my head. One time a ball measuring an inch in diameter,
    >>> grew on the palm of my left hand, as I looked at it. I used
    >>> to get smaller versions of that on my feet, when I slept at
    >>> the apartment we rented in Ft. Lauderdale.
    >>> I would have filed this claim a long time ago, but wondered
    >>> if... Well, I have been reading many web pages and
    >> documents
    >>> about communication betwen humans without the use of
    >> visible
    >>> devices. In fact a while ago someone uploaded a webpage
    >>> advertising the ability to communicate without devices, as
    >>> an investment. There were patents for a series of
    >>> technologies that would allow this type of communication,
    >>> granted as early as the fifties. Many web pages and books
    >>> attest to the fact that these are no longer technologies of
    >>> the future. Patents are not grated by the US Patent Office
    >>> if the descriptions of the items are not accurate and if
    >> the
    >>> inventions do not work exactly as described in the
    >>> submissions. Due to the fact that the public has been
    >>> mislead regarding these technologies by the mass media,
    >>> which always makes it sound as "future world", it is
    >>> difficult to proceed. However, I felt it is best to state
    >>> the whole plot perpetrated against me, and subsequently
    >> look
    >>> at some of the claims in this writings about "mind
    >> control",
    >>> compared to my own experiences.
    >>> Evidently I'm saying that I'm victimized with one or
    >> several
    >>> of the various methods mentioned. While I am treated in
    >> that
    >>> fashion, I hear exchanges between the workers at the car
    >>> loan offices, and a woman who is distantly related to me,
    >>> since she is the grandaughter of my maternal grandmother's
    >>> cousin. "A debtor should be chastised to the maximum
    >>> exponent." My distant relative is interested because one is
    >>> "related" and she has plans for the future. My debt lessens
    >>> her reputation, she says.
    >>> Another argument and probably the reason in itself, is my
    >>> good health and her poor health. Apparently she thinks she
    >>> can trade her health for mine persecuting me with wireless
    >>> appliances. Lately I haven't been able to live in the way
    >>> I'm accustomed to This is the first time in my life that
    >>> I'm not attending a health club regularly, which I had done
    >>> since I was in college. I run an average of 4 miles a week,
    >>> every two days. She has lived on fad diets most of her
    >> life,
    >>> with little success. Right after I purchased the car, she
    >>> turned up. I never saw her, I heard her in my head . She
    >>> became friends with the Financing Officer, who is obese
    >>> like her. A new level of torture began when my distant
    >>> relatives met with him to arrange for me to return the
    >> favor
    >>> they did me when they financed the car. This exchange would
    >>> be satisfied by her being able to use my body with the
    >> mind
    >>> control practices. How a little woman like me 5', can help
    >> a
    >>> large men like him is not clear to me. What I do know is
    >>> that since this started, a constant is that I'm always
    >>> extremely constipated. I have put on considerable weight,
    >>> particularly around my midrift. The most devastating
    >> problem
    >>> however is the pains I experience when she visits So.
    >>> Florida for the weekend. Pains in my lower extremities,
    >>> together with the black and blue; swollen blood vessels;
    >>> pains in my lungs and other areas of the back as a terminal
    >>> patient must experience; Her own dad's constantly tearing
    >>> eye, a very irritating symptom. There are other symptoms
    >>> besides. They seem to be from older people, with lower
    >>> extremity disorders.
    >>> I feel that redress must include not only a cessation of
    >>> their persecution, but also money damages to cover the gas
    >>> expense, as well as the depreciation on the vehicle. Though
    >>> I have been careful with the car, 100,000 miles do take
    >>> their toll. I would assess the loss at $15,000 ($10,000 for
    >>> gas and $5000 for depreciation.) This does not include
    >>> punitive damages, that in my view are quite in order. More
    >>> importantly it does not include my time. I've lived three
    >>> years in misery almost constantly, sitting in a hot car
    >>> without much interaction or benefit. Furthermore I have had
    >>> to live with much higher risk thanks to them, driving for
    >>> much longer periods with more opportunity for errors and
    >>> from spending more time in public, not in the safety of my
    >>> home.
    >>> Why don't I control myself and stay put? Well now that I've
    >>> stated the full plot, I can compare my experiences with
    >> some
    >>> of these writings. This is one of my favorite web pages,
    >>> "Reported mind control symptoms and descriptions
    >> include: "a
    >>> slow death," "unbelievably sophisticated," "vicious,
    >> amoral,
    >>> sadistic, and cruel." "Victims from all over the world have
    >>> contacted "Mind Justice" for instance, with reports of
    >> being
    >>> targeted with mind control technologies, although
    >>> approximately 75&37; of victims are American and Russian.
    >> The
    >>> following is a description of symptoms most commonly
    >>> reported by victims.
    >>> Victims are subjected to various kinds of harassment and
    >>> torture, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for
    >>> years on end. Most believe that some type of technology can
    >>> remotely track, target, and control every nerve in their
    >>> bodies. Heart and respiration rate can speed up and slow
    >>> down, and stomach and bowel functions are regulated.
    >>> Illnesses and all types of pain can turn on and off in an
    >>> instant. Microwave burns are reported. Sleep deprivation is
    >>> common and dreams are manipulated. Victims say, “They
    >>> [whoever is targeting them] can see through my eyes, what I
    >>> see.” Sometimes victims describe seeing the images of
    >>> projected holograms. Thoughts can be read. Most victims
    >>> describe a phenomenon they call “street theater.” For
    >>> example, people around the victim have repeated verbatim,
    >>> the victim’s immediate thoughts, or harassive and
    >>> personalized statements are repeated by strangers wherever
    >>> the victim may go. Emotions can be manipulated. Microwave
    >>> hearing, known to be an unclassified military capability of
    >>> creating voices in the head, is regularly reported.19
    >>> Implanted thoughts and visions are common, with repetitive
    >>> themes that can include pedophilia, homophobia and
    >>> degradation. Victims say it is like having a radio or TV in
    >>> your head. Less frequently, remote and abusive sexual
    >>> manipulation is reported. Almost all victims say repetitive
    >>> behavior control techniques are used and include negative,
    >>> stimulus-response or feedback loops.
    >>> Some type of outside force can strike heavy blows to any
    >>> object, or set any object including the body into strong
    >>> vibration while nearby objects are not vibrating at all.
    >>> Wrenching of house/building structures cause loud snapping
    >>> or crackling noises, often heard at precisely the point
    >>> where a victim is starting to doze off to sleep. Victims
    >>> regularly report many types of bizarre and harassive remote
    >>> manipulation of electrical equipment, phone, car, TV, and
    >>> computers. Mail tampering is reported as well. Black bag
    >>> intelligence tactics--tire slashing, break-ins without
    >>> burglary but at times including sabotaged, modified items
    >>> also appear on the list of invasions.
    >>> Victims agree: the experience of mind control phenomena is
    >>> vicious, amoral, sadistic, and cruel. Most victims describe
    >>> the experience as very debilitating and compare it to
    >> mental
    >>> rape, an electronic prison, or total destruction of the
    >>> quality of their lives. Many have been labeled mentally ill
    >>> and live with financial ruin, loss of health, social life,
    >>> and career. Victims theorize that the goal of the
    >>> experiments would appear to be the development of weapons
    >> to
    >>> neutralize the enemy, without killing them. All say the
    >>> technology is unbelievably sophisticated and effective. To
    >>> them, it is like a slow death." (Survey of Evidence
    >>> Regarding Mind Control Experiments by Cheryl Welsh
    >> Director,
    >>> Mind Justice January 2003 with 2006 update
    >>> A lot of this description fits my situation. The excuse
    >>> given for their "work", changes. Now it is not because City
    >>> Center was having a rock concert event, and two rock
    >>> musicians needed to park their guitar fingers full of cuts
    >>> in me all weekend. Now is that I owe, I owe, and off to
    >> work
    >>> I go not, at least not earning as much as I need to pay for
    >>> all the expenses. This makes it clear that I should be
    >>> chastised and what better way than by parking a half a
    >> dozen
    >>> septagenarians and octagenarians in me. Particularly when
    >>> one awakes. One is terrorized with the explanation that
    >> they
    >>> have been working on one all night, passing the severe
    >>> illnesses. One wakes up in excrutiating pain. One's toes,
    >>> feet and legs can cramp for what seems hours. Try as one
    >> may
    >>> the foot continues to twist the wrong way while you hurt
    >>> enough to scream loudly. Other times one may loose one's
    >>> balance and fall when the right ankle hurts tremendously.
    >>> With a little movement one improve s considerably. I've
    >>> experienced being tracked and under surveillance, as if
    >>> someone always watched me and through me. I have felt that
    >>> lots of functions in my body were regulated and
    >> deregulated,
    >>> such as they mentioned. In desperation I once wrote a poem
    >>> for a web site Well they have an annual
    >>> presentation event. Half jokingly and to get the message
    >>> out, I wrote "Pain Is Pig" and sent it to them a couple of
    >>> years ago. There's proof that I have been experiencing
    >> these
    >>> problems as long as I've owned the car. I likened my
    >>> sensations of various symptoms to those plastic wheels that
    >>> color Christmas Trees for a minute: red, green, yellow,
    >>> blue, etc. I rarely dream. The real world irrupting into
    >>> one's thoughts is often sensed. The content of Musak
    >>> everywhere may be extremely pertinent. Most of it is
    >>> negative. People beat you to the punch: take the chair you
    >>> wanted; pick up the melon you liked... You live thwarted
    >> all
    >>> day. One does hear people in one's head all day and feels
    >>> that one communicates with them. However I would not say it
    >>> sounds as good as TV or radio. A lot of it is very
    >>> repetitive and insulting. There are two old men that
    >>> constantly talk when the pains appear early in the morning.
    >>> They mostly insult me. Several younger women constantly
    >>> ridicule me. TV! I wished! I must say that I have heard
    >> some
    >>> movie and TV personalities, recently, as I always have.
    >> They
    >>> sound like the real people, but one can't say. I have had
    >>> periods where there has been more sexual manipulation, but
    >>> this is not one of them. I call it the Auschwitz of the
    >>> Mind. I mostly manage control of myself. But sometimes it
    >> is
    >>> best to act as if one will loose it to make the pain or
    >>> other symptom stop. I do it in private, or hiding. The
    >>> finances are always a problem. It is more difficult to get
    >>> and keep a job with their practices. I don't understand why
    >>> people would think this is all done by our own government.
    >>> Development of weapons to neutralize the enemy? We are
    >>> civilians. In a war people live different lives.It doesn't
    >>> make sense. I think it is to lower our collective standard
    >>> of living and quality of live, but the perpetrator is not
    >>> our own government. ...And 75&37; of the victims
    >> complaining
    >>> are Americans and Russians? But according to the web pages
    >>> that turned up without much research, it is all done by
    >>> America's and Russia's government agencies... I think it
    >> may
    >>> be other foreign nationals. In fact although the government
    >>> did a lot of the original research, anyone could be using
    >>> the information declassified years ago. It may not eve have
    >>> anything to do with politics.
    >>> Anyone interested in leading me through filing Prose in
    >>> county civil court?
    >> Wow, Jiffy pop time.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Prose in County Court, 8/15/06, by Vd.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/15/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/15/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/15/06, by Vd.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/15/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/16/06, by v.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/16/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/16/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/17/06, by Vd.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/17/06, by v.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/18/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Prose in County Court, 8/18/06, by Carol.

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