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    Post: Attorny Ethics

    Posted by Pat on 2/05/07

    I retained a labor/employment attorney in California to
    represent me with a denial of disability claim from my
    employer. The attorney stated that to file an appeal his fee
    would be $4,000. I signed a retainer agreement and paid the
    money. The attorney has dragged the appeal out for more than
    a year. During this period the attorney requested additional
    information from my employer and their agent regarding the
    companies disability policies. During this time the attorney
    said that things were progressing normally, but due to the
    addition work he began to bill me hourly at the rate of an
    addition $5000. I paid this and told the attorney unless he
    could assure me that there was an end in sight I did not
    want to continue. The attorney assured me that my case was
    strong and that a decision was forth coming. I told the
    attorney that unless the decision was in my favor and I
    received a settlement I could not pay any further fee, to
    which he acknowledged verbally. From this point there were
    several months that the attorney claims to have been working
    on my case with no results. I questioned that there were
    time limitations with getting a response to the appeal and
    what was he doing about it. The reply was that every time
    the companies agent made an addition request for information
    the clock was reset, and there was nothing we could do about
    it. I finally told the attorney that my health was more
    important than the disability and that I wanted to get on
    with me life. I had not had any contact with him for several
    months and recently received a bill for another $7000, and
    his position is that I must pay regardless of any outcome.
    My questions are 1. do I have to pay what seems to me to be
    Extortion. 2. what vehicles are available to me to defend
    myself. 3.Does making a complaint with the BAR do any good?
    I have no intension of paying this, and can only assume that
    I will be hauled into court. I have kept good records mostly
    email communication that show how this Transpired. Any
    assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in
    advance for your cooperation.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Attorny Ethics, 2/05/07, by Pat.
  • Re: Attorny Ethics, 2/06/07, by Inland Empire Attorney.

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