Re: Harassment and Defamation on the Internet
Posted by Charlene Blake on 4/05/07
On 3/15/07, Dave Nightingale wrote:
> Response To Charlene Blake:
> You posted this same information on many other websites,
> including different forums on this site.
> The administrator on onother forum called you to account for
> your remarks, yet you have not responded. I wonder why?
> Just to rmind you of the questions asked by that individual,
> the following is a copy. It would be interesting to know
> your answers to what I believe are worthy questions--as
> follows:
"Dave," I have no idea about what you are referring to and I
don't know why you feel compelled to challenge my postings here
and elsewhere. My postings are directed to other Toyota owners
who have had similar experiences. Does this bother you? Are
you concerned about Toyota owners linking to "compare notes?"
If not, I am unclear about your extreme interest in my auto
consumer postings. My first amendment rights allow me the
freedom to speak online. If my postings were not based on
fact, then I would not have over 2,000 Toyota owner signatories
on my "Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution" petition. Let's not
forget that Toyota says there are only 3,200 (funny how this
number never changes or actually gets smaller, according to
Toyota!) who are affected by Toyota engine oil sludge. It
doesn't take a course in rocket science to figure out how
minimized this figure really is, does it?
I am not on trial here or elsewhere. I am posting to find
OTHER TOYOTA OWNERS who are similarly-affected. I am also
attempting to preserve my U.S. Constitutional right to speak up
by identifying those who wish to prevent the same. It hasn't
been difficult to piece the puzzle together regarding the
defamation. The misspellings, the syntax, the repeated
phrases, the ISP, the I.P.s, etc....all point to the same
individual in many of the cases. It doesn't take a detective
to uncover these things! The zebra's stripes remain the same!
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution