Re: Harassment and Defamation on the Internet
Posted by Charlene Blake on 4/16/07
On 4/16/07, vincent gagnier wrote:
> One can only laugh at the pathetic attempts by Charlene Blake to
> garner attention to her bizzare claims of malfeasance by
> automakers. It clearly smacks of a neurotic obsession.
May I please surmise that the weird thing about your post is that
it is a nasty personal attack. Your point?
Let me assure you that the TOYOTA ENGINE SLUDGE VICTIMS are NOT
laughing! As a matter of fact, they are quite upset! Do you know
the number of Toyota owners who ended up upside-down on their car
loans when sludge hit? Do you know how many repossessions there
were because of an inability to pay $5,000 for an engine and keep
making payments on a loan? What emotion do you think these Toyota
owners are displaying now? Laughter? No, there is none of
that...anything but, I am afraid.
Failure you say? What is it that you think I have failed at? I
don't have any goal other than to encourage Toyota vehicle owners
to network in order to learn the real truth about Toyota engine oil
sludge. Do you find this unacceptable for some reason? If so, why?
You mention "automakers" and "malfeasance" above. I am not clear
on what you mean. The only things I am posting about are REAL
Toyota problems that have been well-documented...not to mention
admitted by the automaker!
Toyota has issues that have not been resolved as yet. It may make
you uncomfortable that I am encouraging other Toyota owners to
speak up, I don't know. We, the vehicle owners, have this right.
It is a non-negotiable.
Perhaps it makes you uncomfortable that other Toyota owners have
corroborated my findings? Perhaps it makes you unhappy that the
Toyota owners don't just keep quiet? Or, perhaps you are worried
about what information I will get by promoting online discussion?
I really don't know.
Facts are facts. Toyota has a sludge problem that appears to be
yet unresolved, according to some Toyota owners. Ms. Washington is
far from alone.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite (online) for Resolution