Re: Slander- Libel
Posted by Res Ispa Loquitur on 2/21/07
Carl Don't show up at trail you get a judgment entered against you. Where does this come from libel suits are lengthy and difficult to win? Who told you this would be longer than another trial? Res Ispa Loquitur On 2/19/07, carl wrote: > Eventhough, > > Libel/ Slander suits can be lengthy and difficult to win. > Putting that aside, do forum members agree that it would > be a foolish move if you are served with a suit (as a > defendant). And you chose not to acknowledge or answer > the complaint within the 28 day time frame. What could > happen if if a libel suit was not answered?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Slander- Libel, 2/19/07, by carl .
- Re: Slander- Libel, 2/21/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur.
- Re: Slander- Libel, 2/21/07, by Carol.