Posted by JOHN on 3/13/07
My question is this. The state is Massachusetts. A motor vehicle accident occurred. My insurance company did "their" investigation and found me at fault. I wasn't. Once I got notice of this in the mail, I appealed my insurance companies finding to the surcharge board of appeals (which was my right). At the surcharge hearing, I was found NOT AT FAULT AT ALL. I then sent a copy of the surcharge board of appeals finding to my insurance company and they agreed to remove the surchargable points from my driving record BUT REFUSED TO REFUND ME MY $500 DEDUCTIBLE- that I had previously paid. They claim they do not have to refund my deductible, only reverse the surchargable points. How can they do this. I was under the assumption the surcharge board of appeals was the final arbiter of these matters. What gives my insurance company the right to keep my deductible. Please reference any law/regs that I can present them with to fix this dilemma.
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