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    Post: Harassment of Neighbors

    Posted by Stressed on 4/19/08

    We have 2 neighbors in our neighborhood that are just
    impossible. For the past several years they have gone after
    at least 5 families on our street if not more. They file
    false reports with local agencies alleging things such as
    illegal operationn of business, child neglect & killing
    wildlife. They yell things at neighbors, blast music, dance
    in their driveway, the woman has exposed herself (on
    video), send rude postcards in the mail as well as fake
    letters from "attorneys", they block the sidewalk with
    their cars so kids cannot ride their bikes in front of
    their home, harass people on the phone forcing them to
    change their numbers and the list goes on and on. The
    police have been called countless times but usually
    whatever they are doing stops and they retreat to their
    house and do not answer their door when the officer shows
    up. The HOA has been notified both by letter and in person
    but state that they are powerless to do anything and
    recommend that we start a neighborhood petition (for what I
    do not know). We really feel as if the law is on their side
    at this point. We all have lives and families and don't
    have the time to keep "beating our heads against the wall"
    with these people. What...if anything can we do to put an
    end to this? It is of the opinion of the last officer who
    responded to a complaint that they are just trying to push
    someone over the edge in hopes of being able to sue them. A
    search online shows that they are no stranger to the courts
    so that theory definitely holds water. HELP!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harassment of Neighbors, 4/19/08, by Stressed.
  • Re: Harassment of Neighbors, 4/19/08, by --.

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