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    Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer

    Posted by Tori on 11/24/11

    On 10/11/08, k wrote:

    Tori/ 11/24/2011:i am also on probation for an owi, and I have
    also had to
    Report my po, now I am being verbally abused by him. I
    Need to kno how I can report him, or ehst the laes
    Are if any against a po being verbally,physically,mentally abusive
    Against me. If someone could just tell me where to find that info
    I would be very greatful. Thanx, tori
    > I too am on probation currently. i have had no problems until i
    > obtain my current po I have been eagerly fight for my children
    > who are in foster care. I have had some situation that did put
    > me at risk of being violated. But they were reported to my po at
    > that time. now my new po is coming back six months later to say
    > that i viiolated my probation after being told i wasnt foing to
    > be violated her reasoning are that i didnt tell her about the
    > violation but that would have been impossible seeing she was not
    > my po at the time I request several time for a new po but my
    > request are ignored so now im facing jail time its been month
    > that ive been doing well i have only been vilated twice because
    > i could not affor to pay my workrelaease fee but i am also
    > homeless too I now have a job but what do i do i cant return
    > back to jail i lose everything Ive worked so hard for. Here the
    > real getter my found out about the new violation on sept 17 knew
    > i was going to court on sept 28 wait until id already went
    > before the judge to violate me again see what im talking about i
    > believe she doing it because I reported her to her supervisor
    > for verbally abusing me earilier this year please some one what
    > do I do.
    > On 5/31/08, Jenny wrote:
    >> On 5/31/08, Former PO wrote:
    >>> On 5/20/08, Jenny wrote:
    >>>> I am a 32 yr old mother of two. In March 2005 I was
    >>>> indicted for Conspiracy to commit identity theft with 16
    >>>> others. Because I was the least in the case I BARELY got
    >>>> to stay out of prison. I was given 3 months house arrest
    >>>> and 3 years probation. I was assigned a Federal probation
    >>>> officer. I walked down the 3 months house arrest with NO
    >>>> PROBLEM. No incidents whatsoever. I was subject to random
    >>>> visits by my probation officer in the early morning (5am)
    >>>> and late at nite (1130pm) just to make sure that I wasnt
    >>>> violating any rules. For the 1st 1 1/2 months I did not
    >>>> have a job. I was actively searching for employment but
    >>>> couldnt find a job because in my case I certainly couldnt
    >>>> say I was not a felon on applications because my federal
    >>>> probation officer was to call and let them know I am a
    >>>> felon and my charge (they say its the governments
    >>>> responsibility). I obtained employment for a company
    >>>> because the PO finally said that he would not need to call
    >>>> them as long as he could verify my work schedule with time
    >>>> card sheets (which I faithfully supplied him). After
    >>>> working there for 2 months he told me that he was going to
    >>>> need to contact the employer and let them know of my
    >>>> status (being on probation and what my charge was). Rather
    >>>> then go throught that embarrassment, I quit. He has now
    >>>> sent a violation to the courts and is requesting that I
    >>>> get another 120 days on house arrest! Here are my
    >>>> complaints:
    >>>> #1 He has on several occassions confused me with one of
    >>>> his other clients--confused my case with theirs etc.
    >>>> #2 He says that I quit on 04/04/2008 even though I showed
    >>>> him my last check stub shows being paid thru 04/10/2008. I
    >>>> dont know what the difference in 6 days mean but he is
    >>>> saying that I was not truthful with him. The employer, he
    >>>> says, stated that my last day was on 04/04/2008 yet my
    >>>> checkstub shows 04/10/2008 and pay day of 04/15/2008.
    >>>> #3 He keeps stating that I am getting money from somewhere
    >>>> else but I am ABSOLUTELY NOT. I make monthly payments to
    >>>> the court of $100 for restitution. He says being
    >>>> unemployed, there is no way I can do this without getting
    >>>> money from somewhere else. I advised him that the money
    >>>> comes from my last 2 checks because I was not spending any
    >>>> money.
    >>>> #4 He came to my house unannounced since I have been off
    >>>> of house arrest, left a card and advised me to come to his
    >>>> office the next day because I was not home. I went there
    >>>> and he demanded to know where I was when he came, the name
    >>>> of the person I was with, and their address. I stated to
    >>>> him that I didnt have to tell him that as long as I was in
    >>>> the metro area and was not breaking any laws. He stated
    >>>> that the provision of my release that states "the
    >>>> defendent shall truthfully answer all reasonable questions
    >>>> from the probation office" means that I do have to tell
    >>>> him where I am at all times when I asks me.
    >>>> I would like to point out that I have had no new cases in
    >>>> 3 1/2 yrs, not even a traffic violation. I have not broke
    >>>> any laws. I have not been with a felon. I have not left
    >>>> the area. The only thing I have done is have trouble
    >>>> finding a jobs under these circumstances. Is there
    >>>> ANYTHING I can do to help myself from this Probation
    >>>> officer??? I am drowning here.
    >>> First be proactive. You have your conditions of release.
    >>> Review them and know them so that you give him what he wants
    >>> before he asks for it. Never quit your job! You made a
    >>> mistake and if the job fires you then that is on them. Use
    >>> your status of being on supervision as a selling point. As
    >>> an employee under supervision, you are guaranteed not to be
    >>> using drugs, to be at work for 40 hours because you want to
    >>> comply with your conditions, and the employer can receive a
    >>> $5,000 tax benefit for hiring an ex-offender. Do not fight
    >>> your officer even if you win, you will pay for it. If your
    >>> officer is incompetent, he/she will not admit it and target
    >>> you for trying to point it out. On your next job
    >>> application, do not write yes to, "have you committed a
    >>> felony". You should write down that you will explain then if
    >>> they want to know, they will have to interview you to find
    >>> out. Now you explain your situation, if they hire you the
    >>> officer's potential call is harmless because your mistake is
    >>> in the open. Everyone makes mistakes, don't compound it but
    >>> fighting a battle without a trophy is a waste of effort and
    >>> you will still have to find work.
    >> Thank you for your response. Good information. I have since
    >> found another job, a good one. The guy that hired me was all
    >> too happy to do so, so I'm assuming he was already aware of
    >> the $5000 tax benefit. As for the Probation Officer, yeah he
    >> is a control freak and confuses me with his other clients and
    >> conversations that THEY must have had but I am doing my best.
    >> I write down EVERYTHING and anything I can keep proof of, I am
    >> doing that. I just have to cover myself. It will be over one
    >> day so hopefully I will make it through......
    >> Thanks again for the response.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 5/20/08, by Jenny.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 5/20/08, by BTDT.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 5/31/08, by Former PO.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 5/31/08, by Jenny.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 10/11/08, by k.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 11/24/11, by Tori.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 2/13/12, by sharron .
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 2/13/12, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 2/14/12, by Michael Jeffries.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 2/14/12, by Michael Jeffries.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 5/21/12, by teresa.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 6/13/12, by Monica.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 8/01/12, by Anna.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 6/03/14, by Ralph.
  • Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer, 8/24/15, by Jonathan.

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