Re: How Can I Make A Complaint Againt A Probation Officer
Posted by Ralph on 6/03/14
I wish I had seen this post when it was originally posted beca
use I would have told everyone her there advice was not exactl
y truthful.
If you people are law student you need to do research before g
iving advice. The justice system is messed up and it is up to
you to clean it up.
You indeed can file a complaint against your probation officer
and this women was wronged. I am on probation and have filed
complaints against my probation officer twice. I have also fil
ed a complaint about monthly report questions. I haven't recei
ver an answer on that yet. It might take a while because I com
plained about most of the questions on the report and some of
the conditions.
You first must start with your probation officers supervisor.
Just ask your probation officer for their supervisors email an
d phone. If they won't give it to you go to the office and ask
to talk to their supervisor.
If you don't get any satisfaction go to the next step which is
the Office of the inspector General. I have also filed compla
int with them.
Nothing bad has happed to me because I complained. Just rememb
er two things when complaining about your PO. Always be respec
tful. Keep a detailed records of all correspondence.
On 5/20/08, Jenny wrote:
> I am a 32 yr old mother of two. In March 2005 I was
> indicted for Conspiracy to commit identity theft with 16
> others. Because I was the least in the case I BARELY got
> to stay out of prison. I was given 3 months house arrest
> and 3 years probation. I was assigned a Federal probation
> officer. I walked down the 3 months house arrest with NO
> PROBLEM. No incidents whatsoever. I was subject to random
> visits by my probation officer in the early morning (5am)
> and late at nite (1130pm) just to make sure that I wasnt
> violating any rules. For the 1st 1 1/2 months I did not
> have a job. I was actively searching for employment but
> couldnt find a job because in my case I certainly couldnt
> say I was not a felon on applications because my federal
> probation officer was to call and let them know I am a
> felon and my charge (they say its the governments
> responsibility). I obtained employment for a company
> because the PO finally said that he would not need to call
> them as long as he could verify my work schedule with time
> card sheets (which I faithfully supplied him). After
> working there for 2 months he told me that he was going to
> need to contact the employer and let them know of my
> status (being on probation and what my charge was). Rather
> then go throught that embarrassment, I quit. He has now
> sent a violation to the courts and is requesting that I
> get another 120 days on house arrest! Here are my
> complaints:
> #1 He has on several occassions confused me with one of
> his other clients--confused my case with theirs etc.
> #2 He says that I quit on 04/04/2008 even though I showed
> him my last check stub shows being paid thru 04/10/2008. I
> dont know what the difference in 6 days mean but he is
> saying that I was not truthful with him. The employer, he
> says, stated that my last day was on 04/04/2008 yet my
> checkstub shows 04/10/2008 and pay day of 04/15/2008.
> #3 He keeps stating that I am getting money from somewhere
> else but I am ABSOLUTELY NOT. I make monthly payments to
> the court of $100 for restitution. He says being
> unemployed, there is no way I can do this without getting
> money from somewhere else. I advised him that the money
> comes from my last 2 checks because I was not spending any
> money.
> #4 He came to my house unannounced since I have been off
> of house arrest, left a card and advised me to come to his
> office the next day because I was not home. I went there
> and he demanded to know where I was when he came, the name
> of the person I was with, and their address. I stated to
> him that I didnt have to tell him that as long as I was in
> the metro area and was not breaking any laws. He stated
> that the provision of my release that states "the
> defendent shall truthfully answer all reasonable questions
> from the probation office" means that I do have to tell
> him where I am at all times when I asks me.
> I would like to point out that I have had no new cases in
> 3 1/2 yrs, not even a traffic violation. I have not broke
> any laws. I have not been with a felon. I have not left
> the area. The only thing I have done is have trouble
> finding a jobs under these circumstances. Is there
> ANYTHING I can do to help myself from this Probation
> officer??? I am drowning here.