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    Re: Need help understanding tort essay!!!

    Posted by -- on 7/12/08

    On 7/12/08, Entering law school in the fall wrote:

    > 1. What are Dell’s rights against Doug and what
    > defenses, if any, should Dell anticipate? Discuss.

    Look up/study the duties and responsibilities of a "Bailor"
    and "Bailee" to each other.

    > 2. What are Dell’s rights against Bob and what
    > defenses, if any, should Dell anticipate? Discuss.

    This seems to be more of a property or criminal conversion
    problem than a tort question. Look up/study "conversion" and
    how "title to personal property" is passed.

    > 3. What are Bob’s rights against Doug and what
    > defenses, if any, should Bob anticipate? Discuss.

    Seems like this is either a trick question or poorly
    written. To find a tort there must be a: (1) A duty of cared
    owed to an individual; (2) A breach of that duty; (3)
    Causation of loss or damage to an individual; and (4) Actual
    damages. What duty was owed to Bob by Doug? What are Bob's

    > 4, What are Charlie’s rights against Doug and what
    > defenses, if any, should Charlie anticipate? Discuss.

    Same as above for Doug v. Bob

    > 5. What are Edna’s rights against Doug and what
    > defenses, if any, should Edna anticipate? Discuss.

    This is a little tricky for a beginning question but look
    up "negligent infliction of emotional distress" and how it
    applies to a person who witnesses a family member suffer a
    negligent accident (actually sees the accident). For extra
    points, look up "zone of danger" and discuss how it may not
    be a necessary element for the tort of "negligent infliction
    of emotional distress"

    > 6. What are Frank’s rights against Doug and what
    > defenses, if any, should Frank anticipate? Discuss.

    OK -- here is a real tort question. Follow the 4 elements of
    a tort I listed above (#3)to answer this question. You can
    GOOGLE the terms I have placed in quotes or enumerated and
    get the study material you need or, if all else fails, get a
    text book and read it.

    Key terms:

    "elements of a tort"
    "title to personal property"
    "thief's title"
    "negligent infliction of emotional distress"
    "zone of danger"
    "how to study for a law exam"

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Need help understanding tort essay!!! , 7/12/08, by Entering law school in the fall.
  • Re: Need help understanding tort essay!!! , 7/12/08, by --.

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