Posted by Tucompa on 2/21/09
ALU's website boast that only 60/178 graduates that sat for CA bar exam ever passed, that is a whopper of 34 percent pass rate. At 10 years since 1999-2009, that is whopping .04 pass rate per year. If thats the quality education you receive for $7500.00 a year. Just not Worth the money wasted, Honey. Paying high tuition at ALU does not make sense. ALU says that if you can't view the live webcast class you can watch the videos recorded the next day. So they charge you $7500.00 per year for something that they can upload to for free. Just not Worth the money wasted, Honey. Don't even think about student loans at ALU, you'll pay many times over for ALU's overpriced recorded video law school. ALU should post its lecture videos on YouTube for free. And save students all that wasted recorded video gimmick money. After all isn't the idea of DL law school, convenience and economy. Even ALU's convenience is not economical. ALU upload your law class lectures to YouTube for free and save students thousands of dollars. Students need the money for the families and their futures. On 2/20/09, Ms. Nunca wrote: > Before you rush to sign up at that ALU online law school do your > research and do a Google search on ALU School of Law first. > > If your gut feeling is that the school is overpriced, they > probably are. Don't get suckered in by fancy marketing websites. > > Remember the main idea of DL online law school is savings. > If you need to take students loans to pay for ALU, you > can't afford it and your going to pay for it 4Xs over. > > Don't be taken in by ALU's gimmick video online law school. They > could place their video lectures on for free and save > you money, but no. ALU wants you to end up paying for their > experiment, don't be a marketing miracle school guinea pig.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: Do A Google Search on Online Law sachool, 2/16/09, by Sue Aguijon.
- Re: Online Law School - Google Search It First, 2/16/09, by Sue Aguijon.
- Re: Online Law School - Google Search It First, 2/17/09, by Kay Williford.
- Re: Online Law School - Google Search It First, 2/17/09, by --.
- Re: ALU School of Law - This Sounds Just Like Them, 2/20/09, by Ms. Nunca Termina.
- Re: ALU School of Law - NOT WORTH THE MONEY HONEY, 2/21/09, by Tucompa.
- Re: ALU School of Law - NOT WORTH THE MONEY HONEY, 2/21/09, by Jeff Lee.
- Re: ALU School of Law - Don't Mortgage Your Future, 3/24/09, by Ms Medeves.
- Re: ALU School of Law - Don't Mortgage Your Future, 3/29/09, by Res Ipsa Loco.
- Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake, 4/10/09, by Ms. Dvelva Milana.
- Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake, 11/21/09, by R. Edwards.
- Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake, 1/24/10, by Debra Zee.
- Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake, 1/24/10, by Debra Zee.
- Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake, 6/01/11, by Isaias.