Post: Son has a Violation of Probation w/ Disorderly Conduct
Posted by Ruth on 8/18/10
My son violated probation by way of disorderly conduct. The probation let him out of the detension center after two and a half weeks due to him having made good progress, when we went to court the put him in for a 60 dasy evaluaton, again the report was exellent, coulnd't have asked for a better report but for some reason the probation officer will not agree to let him out until his court date, The difference between this request and that first ine was this last eval had nothing but great things to say but for some reason now the probation officer is afraid he is going to run and just in case she finds another facility to intiview him, He is a good kid and would never do just a thing, not sure what happened from then until now to chage her mind Other that how much his family loves him. Help
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- Son has a Violation of Probation w/ Disorderly Conduct, 8/18/10, by Ruth.