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    Post: i can prove my probation officer straight out lied

    Posted by windy on 11/27/11

    it isnt really my probation officer but my husband's. he
    was kicked out of his residence with out notice.he left a
    mess. that night then spoke to her the next day.he was told
    by her to return and collect his properdy.he stayed in
    hotels for the next two weeks,having to inform her of every he was in constant contact with her plus he has
    visits weekly in her office.i was present for most of their
    out of office tranactions, one preticular one where i had
    him ask if there was anything else he needed to do,i heard
    her state "just keep me up dated".well two weeks go by we
    are breakin our heads trying to find a place and had, by
    the time he had one of his tuesday visits.may i add he had
    three weeks of i.s.p. left!he informed her we were meeting
    to sigh a lease the next day.wensday afternoon she calls,
    tells him he needs to come to the office after work and
    arrest him for not having residence! then it was for not
    regestering. well he had asked if there was anything else
    he needed to do and was told just to keep her informed so
    this came as b big shock to us.he spent just abouy a week
    in jail, saw a judge who released him because he had a job
    and a place to live.he is now in jail again cause she told
    the sheriff dept. he had disappered for those same three
    weeks,so they put a warnt out and aressted him at work!

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  • i can prove my probation officer straight out lied , 11/27/11, by windy .

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