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    Re: Complaint against a PO

    Posted by jprewett on 3/28/12

    One more thing, I was told that we could file a complaint
    against this probation officer who was accusing him of things
    he was not doing. She even told him that she had the pull to
    put him in prison, because her husband was an officer with
    the court he was assigned to. (I felt that this was a threat.)

    So what can I do to get his investigated? Will it be just a
    case of "He said, She said?" His court appointed attorney
    told me that he would fight for him, until I mentioned that
    he had signed for his time. Then the guy said, "Well if he
    has signed for his time, it's a done deal, and nothing can be
    done about it."

    It sounds to me like this was a setup. I believe that my step-
    son signed those papers under duress, but I don't know who I
    should turn to for help.

    He told me that he was going to TDC for about "4 to 5 months"
    and he would be released. I don't believe this. I am highly
    pissed at this situation, because I can attest that he was
    NOT using any kind of drugs the whole time he has lived with

    So any advice will be helpful. And yes this does suck. I
    can't believe that our criminal justice system is such that
    people like this probation officer can "assume" that a person
    is taking drugs, without any corroborating evidence. She had
    free sway on what happened and I feel that her assessment was
    wrong. But how do I prove it?

    Just asking.... thanks

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Complaint against a PO, 3/28/12, by J Prewett.
  • Re: Complaint against a PO, 3/28/12, by jprewett.

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