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    Post: PNS THEN EMPLOYER LAID ME OFF/they lied to EDD

    Posted by POPEYE on 3/14/09

    I was released by my doctor with perminated and
    stationary. I have now a limited sitting, standing, and a
    minimal demand for physical effort disability(herniated
    lumbar disk). I received a letter from my employer asking
    me to contact them so we can talk about our employment
    options. I called. I had the phone metting with my
    employer and they said it best for both of us to part ways
    (In other words I'm laid off right). Well 2 days later I
    applied for unemployent. I just had the phone intervienw
    with EDD yesterday. The EDD(employment Development Dept)
    also called my employer and asked them questions. Wel I
    get a call back from the EDD. They told me that my
    employer said that they were unaware of me being released
    from my doctor. So does this mean that the employer lied
    to the state about knowlege to my realse from my doctor. I
    faxed the letter I received from my employer to the state.
    The letter says in the first paragraph that they have been
    notified of my discharged/release form the doctor.
    Now you here the information. Do you think I will get the
    EDD benifits and do you think my employer will get in
    trouble for lying to the state?
    Please let me know.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • PNS THEN EMPLOYER LAID ME OFF/they lied to EDD, 3/14/09, by POPEYE.

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