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    Post: workers comp case and problems

    Posted by melissa on 8/10/12

    I hurt my shoulder at my work place and told my manager and
    filled out the proper worker's comp paper ,she did not
    follow,procedure and get me treatment for two days or take
    me for drug test that they require.another manger on day
    shift ,I work third shift called me on my day off and I had
    to fill out more paper work and take drug test and go to
    Dr. Then.Then I went to see a regular Dr. He requested
    physical Therapy and a mri,took workers comp .11days to
    approve Therapy so in the mean time I'm sufering and took 2
    months to get mri ,it said I had tintinnitis then got sent
    to orthopedic took 2months for them to approve visit she
    gave me steroid shot and more physical Therapy ,and ct
    request With dye ,still said I had tintinnitis,orthopedic
    requested I go to shoulder specialist that was 4-9-12, I've
    had no treatment since this date ,my work place has given
    me a verbal aNd a wrrrite up ,the next strep is a D Day ,I
    forgot to mention that I'm on weight restriction of seven
    pounds to my chest on my right shoulder ,I hate my work
    plAce now I hAve been on light duty all this time my range
    of motion is very limited now it hurts if I lay on it ,I
    want to quit but my friend sIx I couldn't and still get
    medical care from my current employer ,I have found a
    company to work for thT doesn't require a lot of
    lifting,its a homemaker job ,WhT do you guys think

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  • workers comp case and problems, 8/10/12, by melissa.

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