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    Post: Carpal tunnel present and past injuries

    Posted by YR on 5/19/05

    Hi,I'm from california and I just found the message board
    and it has a lot of good quetion is I
    have a works comp claim and I do have a lawyer for my
    carpal tunnel but I also filed a stress claim (which was
    denied) but my carpal tunnel was accepted.My laywer say's I
    can file for past injuries. My carpal tunnel stated in 1994
    I reported to my employer and got medical attention,then in
    1999 it started hurting again, I got medical treatment, and
    now in 2005 it's back alot worse. the only reason I filed a
    claim this time is because the employer doctors put me not
    light duty(also the company doctor comfirm my carpal
    tunnel) but the duty was not light I was doing everything
    my doctor(mind you the company doctor) told me not to do,
    so that's when I called a laywer. Can my laywer file on the
    two past injuries? If so how does that work

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Carpal tunnel present and past injuries, 5/19/05, by YR.

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