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    Re: The ball is in my attorneys court now. Sick em fido.

    Posted by SWEETPAPILOVE on 6/15/05

    On 6/15/05, James wrote:
    > I got the full story on my FCE yesterday. They have me
    > rated for medium work and NEVER for overhead work. I don't
    > see how I am going to be able to work on aircraft now. Well
    > at least the upper half.
    > I guess the ball is in my attorneys court now. I hope he
    > can get me a good settlement. With all the pain I have went
    > through the last year, I feel like I deserve it. They (the
    > system) really tries to punish you for being hurt or sick
    > or not perfect in their eyes.
    > I know my problems pall in comparison to others, but big
    > problem or small, it is unjustly that the injured worker is
    > treated. Sure, there are those people who would attempt to
    > defraud the system. They should be punished. But when you
    > have an injured worker who is genuine, he/she should be
    > treated with dignaty and respect. Not with games designed
    > to coworse the worker into accepting less than they are
    > entitled to by law. Truly the peoblem is not with the
    > insurance coverage, but the twisted psyche of those who
    > administer it. For they would have you suffer in order to
    > make one more penny of profit.


    Who ordered your FCE? Was it your treating physician(the
    doctor hand-picked by you), or the company's doctor? I can
    tell you from experience that FCE facilities vary and the
    outcome depends greatly on who is administering the test. I
    had two FCE done. The first one was deemed inconclusive
    because the moron administering it didn't know when to stop
    causing me more pain. The second one was a delight and i was
    very pleased with the whole process and outcome!

    Don't blame yourself for being an injured worker. I am sure
    you didn't ask for this, and neither did the countless numbers
    of IW's around the country. Are there people outthere
    determined to defraud the system? Of course! Bad apples are in
    every basket. But the fact of the matter is, the IC's use this
    as an excuse to stall, deny, humiliate and harass us! Stay
    true to yourself and know that you have rights, and despite
    all the tricks they try to pull- this is still America and if
    you just hold on, the battle is yours to win! Good luck to you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • The ball is in my attorneys court now. Sick em fido., 6/15/05, by James.
  • Re: The ball is in my attorneys court now. Sick em fido., 6/15/05, by SWEETPAPILOVE.
  • Re: The ball is in my attorneys court now. Sick em fido., 6/15/05, by scrapindee.

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