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    Post: Frustrared

    Posted by Joanie on 6/17/05

    I haven't posted in a while because my app. with the
    specialist was postponed. I went today to find out that
    since this injury affects my soft tissue that surgery may
    make it worse! Why did the man not tell me this when I first
    saw him in Feb? I guess the world may never know:) Trying to
    keep my head up and we discussed his option #2, cortizone,
    but I told him that since the shot is a one time chance I
    would like to explore all other options first. I was told a
    chiropractor would help if it had to do with tissue around
    the joint, again not my case. The only other option given is
    accupuncture to relieve the pain in hopes that my body will
    heal itself eventually. When I asked my limitations he said
    I could do things like normal housework, knowing it will
    hurt later and when the pain comes take a break and deal
    with it. I left his office in tears thinking I am too young
    for this. Any advice ? This has been the worst thing I have
    ever had to deal with. I know a lot of you have it worse
    than I do and I truly feel for you, I wish the best to you.
    God Bless.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Frustrared, 6/17/05, by Joanie.
  • Re: Frustrared, 6/17/05, by v.
  • Re: Frustrared, 6/18/05, by SWEETPAPILOVE.
  • Re: Frustrared, 6/22/05, by fev frank.

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