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    Re: The fraud stops here! "TO The Man"

    Posted by The Man on 7/02/05

    On 7/01/05, bush lied wrote:
    > On 7/01/05, Forgive them Father wrote:
    >> On 6/22/05, Attorney Lennon wrote:
    >>> All you deadbeat, so called injured workers aka "schammers",
    >>> WE ARE WATCHING YOU! You have 1 week to come clean, close
    >>> your claims and admit fraud. If you don't, every single
    >>> message you've written on this board will be used against
    >>> you in court. Last, but not least, we want every penny we
    >>> ever paid your lazy a$$es back- with interest!!!!
    >>There is nothing wrong with pre-emptive strike. Like for
    >>example: If I was pretty sure some one was going to hit me with
    >>a hammer, I would cap him first. What's more, the USA should go
    >>on a campain of world conquest. It is only a matter of time
    >>that there will be one world government. I would rather it be
    >>under our system than any other. Quit being a panty waste. We
    >>are a warror nation. High time we acted like it.
    >> Your comment shows your lack of common sense and your
    >> sheep-like mentality. It is morons like you that put this
    >> clown back in the Whitehouse. All you idiots have blood on
    >> your hands. When are you gonna get it through your
    >> redneck/bush zombie thick heads that Iraq had absolutely
    >> nothing to do with 9/11. Funny, moronic comments like yours
    >> remind me of a funny little man back in the 1940's who thought
    >> Germany had to pre-emptively strike everyone for its survival!
    >> Jesus! No wonder this country has become the butt of all jokes
    >> around the world!!! Do us all a favor, either go to Iraq and
    >> fight for "hir or your" cause, or SHUT THE HELL UP!!
    > "Forgive them Father" you are awesome!!!! you sure told that
    > buffoon what time of day it is lmao!!!!!!

    Yes, "Forgive them Father" you are awesome. Yes sir, I guess you
    told me. Now you should tell the 5000 Kirdish men, women and
    children that were gased, why we shouldn't be there. Oops, I
    forgot. That didn't have anything to do with 9/11. Perhaps you
    should get into a time mechine and go back to September 28,1938
    and tell them what a good job they are doing when they sign the
    Munich Pact between Germany, France, England and Italy
    sacrificing Czechoslovakia to Germany. Then tell the people who
    died why we didn't pre-emptively strike Germany or Japan. Total
    death toll 56,125,262 in WWII. They could see the writing on the
    wall, then chose to do nothing.
    Maybe you should get into that same time mechine and go back to
    the time of Moses. Tell him about the blood on his hands for
    killing all them Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Per'izzites, the
    Hivites, and the Jeb'usites. Better yet tell it to God.
    Yes indeed, "Forgive them Father".
    And you call me a sheep, a moron and redneck/bush zombie thick
    head. Because I have an opinion and am willing to express it?
    Because my opinion is different than yours? Or is it because you
    can not have a discussion without shouting down the other person
    who disagrees with you.
    You sir, are the sheep. You would sit around, spouting your
    pacifist rhetoric, while your neighbors are getting their throats
    I guess I am a buffoon for wanting to kill our enimies. Whatever.

    One last thing. Our country has become the butt of all jokes
    around the world. That is one of the reasons why evil men have
    become emboldened and commit wicked, reprehensible crimes against
    peaceful people. Not untill our nation is feared, and not thought
    of as a paper tiger, will we get respect and peace.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • The fraud stops here!, 6/22/05, by Attorney Lennon.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/24/05, by frank.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/24/05, by frank.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/24/05, by SWEETPAPILOVE.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/27/05, by M.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/27/05, by 00.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/27/05, by bush lied.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/28/05, by M.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/29/05, by 00.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/29/05, by bush lied.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 7/01/05, by The Man.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! "TO The Man", 7/01/05, by Forgive them Father.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 7/01/05, by M.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! "TO The Man", 7/01/05, by bush lied.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! "TO The Man", 7/02/05, by The Man.
  • Re: The thread stops here! , 7/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 7/02/05, by ^.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 9/27/05, by larry.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 5/24/06, by the egyptian magician.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/24/06, by Carol.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/25/06, by v.
  • Re: The fraud stops here! BOB WHERE ARE YOU?, 5/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: The fraud stops here!, 6/03/06, by jack.

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