Re: filling out a claim
Posted by M'sta Mikey on 7/29/05
On 7/28/05, james wrote: > i am an employee of a home health agency who was recently > injured on the job. The doctor has taken me out of work > for a week and physical therapy is to work with me for an > undisclosed amount of time. The injury is to my right > knee. After looking at x-rays the doctor stated that there > was more damage to my left knee then the right but there > was some missing cartilage from the right knee and > swelling noted. He stated prescribed anti-inflammatorys > and physical therapy would hopefully correct the problem. > My knee caps are displaced in both legs and the inner > muscles of the thighs are not as strong as the outter > therefor pulling my knee caps out of place. The injury > felt like a tear of tendons but the doctor was unable to > make that diagnosis on the record. Off the record he said > his personal opinion was that I torn the meniscus to my > right knee. An MRI is the only was to determine this > though. Instead of scheduling an MRI he wanted me to start > physical therapy take the meds and see if it helped, and > if not to come back and schedule the MRI. If physical > therapy does not correct the problem, surgery is required. > Having told all of this to my employeer I filled out an > incident report and was asked if I was going to file a > workmans comp claim which I stated I was. The employeer > then stated she was going to fight it and I was unable to > return to work, even after the week of off duty was up, > until the doctor gave me a full work release. i.e. no > light duty, or any other restrictions. Also this employeer > has no safety committee or meetings regarding safety. Is > this legal? What steps do I need to take in order for them > to pay my loss wages and medical expenses. What should I > expect from this incident and do you think I have a leg to > stand on? Thanks for your response. Hire a WC attorney...NOW! The longer you wait, the tougher it's going to be.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- filling out a claim, 7/28/05, by james.
- Re: filling out a claim, 7/29/05, by M'sta Mikey.