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    Re: who knows what we can do?

    Posted by 00 on 10/02/05

    Based on what you have posted, it appears the case is closed.

    That is why it is so important to not only make sure that the lump-
    sum settlement is sufficent (as it is a one-time deal), but that the
    parties involved use the money wisely. No doubt, he signed papers
    stating that the case was fully resolved with no future actions
    allowed against them on his or his relatives' part.

    I know of one guy who got a large settlement following an auto
    injury. Within ONE YEAR, the couple managed to burn through
    $300,000. "Surprisingly" one month after the money was gone, the wife
    kicked him out of his own house (purchased with his settlement money)
    and filed for a divorce. Now the guy has no money and has had to
    liquidate most of his assets that were purchased. To top it off,
    because he co-mingled monies, his wife got a share in the divorce
    (which should not have happened) and he is now living with his
    parents as he cannot afford his own place. And of course, he cannot
    work because of his injuries.

    On 10/02/05, Eve wrote:
    > We received the phone call about the accident. Me and his mother
    > went as soon as possible to the US. There his mother took a
    > lawyer, the made a contract.
    > Back in Belgium he made clear that he would settle. We (and our
    > Belgian lawyer) made clear that we wanted to go to court. We
    > would not want to settle for the amount.
    > He has withdraw the money on an account in Belgium and that was it.
    > So yes he received the money.
    > On 10/02/05, 00 wrote:
    >> Has the check been received and/or cashed? If so, by whom? I am
    >> assuming that someone has Power of Attorney over him and that
    >> they are making these decisions. Attorneys cannot do anything
    >> without the clients' approval.
    >> On 10/02/05, Eve wrote:
    >>> so the lawyer can do that without an signature of a family
    >>> member? We made clear from in the beginning that we did not
    >>> wanted this.
    >>> On 10/02/05, 00 wrote:
    >>>> If he has already received the check, cashed the check and
    >>>> signed the papers, then there is no more blood to squeeze
    >>>> from this turnip.
    >>>> On 10/02/05, Eve wrote:
    >>>>> Hello,
    >>>>> I'm a Belgian woman, living in Belgium with an American
    >>>>> problem.
    >>>>> My boyfriend was the victim of a drunken driver in Denver
    >>>>> Colorado (february 2002). He was in a coma, brain damage,
    >>>>> he is disabled for more then 66&37;, will never be able to
    >>>>> take care for himself, et cetera.
    >>>>> We took a lawyer, he settled for 250.000 US dollars (took
    >>>>> 33&37;) that leaves 160.000 US dollars for my boyfriend.
    >>>>> That does not compensate the losses we had, never earn
    >>>>> money because he is not able to work!
    >>>>> Is this possible, is there nothing we can do about this?
    >>>>> please... let us know!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Unknown Paralegal .
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Eve.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Unknown Paralegal.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by 00.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Unknown Paralegal .
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Unknown Paralegal .
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/02/05, by Unknown Paralegal .
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/03/05, by Kacy.
  • Re: who knows what we can do?, 10/04/05, by Eve.

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