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    Re: Bilateral Calcaneal fractures...

    Posted by Frank on 3/22/06

    On 3/08/06, brian wrote:
    > On 1/30/06, whatsinourfuture??? wrote:
    >> My husband fell from a roof last July, breaking both heel
    >> bones, his right one in three places, left in two. He had
    >> surgery, was in a wheel-chair 13 weeks, is still in
    > physical
    >> therapy, although they now have him in work conditioning to
    >> see if he will be able to return to roofing. He is in
    >> constant pain, his right foot does not flex like it should,
    >> although ct shows it is healed. He can't stand on his toes
    >> on his right foot or move from side to side like he should.
    >> We are wondering what is in store for us. We don't have a
    >> lawyer, his boss is a long time friend, and we have had no
    >> problems with medical care or payments to date. Any
    >> ideas??? or advice?
    > After three years and counting since I fell and fractured
    > my heel , two surgeries later had to undergo subtalar
    > arthrodesis,(fusion)this operation failed and still they are
    > recomending me to have futher surgery, though it;s my
    > dission I'm trying to get voc rehab......on two differatn
    > paim meds. evey day and never going back to contruction.
    > These injuries efect your eversion and inversion and to walk
    > on a roof will be very painfull and probably
    > imposible......there is probably going to be arthoritist
    > forming very quickly in the subtalar joint from damage done
    > by the fall to the subtalar region, I needed to protect
    > myself and haver litigation on this accident, this is going
    > to most likly be a life altering experiance, best of luck to
    > you, Brian
    My husband fell 17' thru a rotten deck & landed on a cement
    slab, his right heel took the blunt of the fall. This was 3
    years ago. The first three sugeries were "learning experiences"
    The internet was a big help for us. We finally were recomened
    to a Dr. that was VERRY confident & agressive. He had his
    fourth surgery on 1/27/06 , he has 2 bars that go thru his
    foot & 1 pin from the top at the subtalor joint down to & thru
    the heel, those come out 4/5/06 , ( the 1/27 surg. was 4 1/2
    hrs) He now has no pain at all & shold be able to walk pretty
    normal after awhile, he'll have to wear THE BOOT for awhile
    then some ortho brace , but from what weve read about other
    people , hes lucky. An agressive Dr. is part of the key. Our
    Dr. is Dr. David Neese In Anoka Mn. In our opinion Hes the
    best. Before him we thought he would have to walk with a cane/
    crutches for the rest of his life. The employer did not have
    workman comp insurance & we were also blessed with an
    agressive & confident attorney, best of luck to you & all who
    are going thru this , its hard to say the least. Frank

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Bilateral Calcaneal fractures..., 1/30/06, by whatsinourfuture???.
  • Re: Bilateral Calcaneal fractures..., 3/08/06, by brian.
  • Re: Bilateral Calcaneal fractures..., 3/08/06, by brian.
  • Re: Bilateral Calcaneal fractures..., 3/22/06, by Frank.
  • Re: Bilateral Calcaneal fractures..., 7/09/09, by sherry.

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