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    Re: broken ankle

    Posted by mike on 10/05/06

    On 10/02/06, Cindy wrote:
    > Ok. On 7/22/06 I feel at work because some left the company
    > deposit bag on the floor and I got tangled up in it. I had
    > a mild sprain to my left hip, knee and ankle. A major
    > sprain to my right ankle as well as breaking it. My job
    > requires that I stand for about seven out of eight hours.
    > After ten weeks I am able to stand for only about one hour
    > before swelling and discomfort start, after about two hours
    > I am in extreme pain and must sit with ice and elevation.
    > That is the back ground. My question is this, I know that
    > all injuries are on a case by case bases but can a company
    > force you back to work if the doctor is saying it will be
    > (might be) several more months until I am able to stand
    > seven hours? My employeers has been great until now but I
    > am getting the feeling they think this is taking to long
    > but what am I to do. I can not do my job given the current
    > state of my injury.

    They can't force you back, and you need to get a lawyer.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • broken ankle, 10/02/06, by Cindy.
  • Re: broken ankle, 10/05/06, by mike.
  • Re: broken ankle, 10/16/06, by Kim.

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