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    Re: broken ankle

    Posted by Kim on 10/16/06

    10/16/06 -

    Cindy - in my experience of Worker's Comp - they cannot force
    you back to work. Get a note from the doctor explaining the
    timeframe appropriate for your injury. They are required to
    give you "light duty" return to work options. Obviously, for
    your long term future there it is smart to keep trying and
    showing that you are attempting to get back into the swing of
    things as soon as possible. If you are on Work Comp it is
    illegal for them to fire you.

    On another note - I broke my ankle and 3 metatarsals (toe
    bones on the top of the foot)(on 08/06/06), but luckily clean
    breaks and didn't need surgery, just a cast. I'm on like week
    10 now and have been out of the cast for about 3 weeks. I know
    the doctor says it's normal to hurt etc. I'm like you - after
    a couple hours on my foot I'm in pain the rest of the day and
    night. Are you experiencing a lot of pain on the bottom of
    your foot as well - in the heel? For me it really hurts in the
    heel - sometimes with shooting pain - and also directly in the
    ankle and metatarsals. Worse yet, I cannot "fast walk" much
    less lightly jog on the treadmill.

    Is this your experience as well? Just wondering if I'm off the
    recovery timeline track. Very anxious to lose weight and can't
    seem to excercise yet. (Meaningful exercise).

    Thanks for any input!

    On 10/05/06, mike wrote:
    > On 10/02/06, Cindy wrote:
    >> Ok. On 7/22/06 I feel at work because some left the company
    >> deposit bag on the floor and I got tangled up in it. I had
    >> a mild sprain to my left hip, knee and ankle. A major
    >> sprain to my right ankle as well as breaking it. My job
    >> requires that I stand for about seven out of eight hours.
    >> After ten weeks I am able to stand for only about one hour
    >> before swelling and discomfort start, after about two hours
    >> I am in extreme pain and must sit with ice and elevation.
    >> That is the back ground. My question is this, I know that
    >> all injuries are on a case by case bases but can a company
    >> force you back to work if the doctor is saying it will be
    >> (might be) several more months until I am able to stand
    >> seven hours? My employeers has been great until now but I
    >> am getting the feeling they think this is taking to long
    >> but what am I to do. I can not do my job given the current
    >> state of my injury.
    > They can't force you back, and you need to get a lawyer.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • broken ankle, 10/02/06, by Cindy.
  • Re: broken ankle, 10/05/06, by mike.
  • Re: broken ankle, 10/16/06, by Kim.

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