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    Re: Workers compensation

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. (The New Johnny Cochran) on 11/06/06

    Dear Lena,

    Probably so. It would depend on what state this happened,
    and in particular what the employment relation was and
    between whom. Who was the employeer? The state? A third
    party? Probably either way, if it was an employee-employer
    relationship, the injured employee (your friend) would most
    probably have a worker's compensation claim for disability
    payments during hte period of his disability, as well as for
    the payment of all of his medical expenses, up to a maximum
    such benefits allowed by law. Further, whether or not he
    would have a damage claim against a third person, other than
    the employer, would depend on the facts of the case. His
    sole remedy against his employer, whoever it may be, is
    under the worker's compensation laws of the state where he
    was employed and was injured and disabled. There it more to
    it all than this, but this is something to think about.
    What state did this happen in? That is information any
    lawyer would need to know so as to be able to properly
    advise your friend on his legal rights. Good luck to you and
    to him! Feel free to call me to discuss this at no charge.


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty. (The New Johnny Cochran)
    Lake Charles, LA (337) 478-6126; FAX (337) 478-9933

    On 11/06/06, lena wrote:
    > My friend got hurt on the job while doing work release for
    > the prision system can he do a law suit

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Workers compensation, 11/06/06, by lena.
  • Re: Workers compensation, 11/06/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. (The New Johnny Cochran).

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