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    Re: Rating a disability

    Posted by ATTORNEY MARSILI on 3/22/07

    On 3/22/07, Rick wrote:
    > I was injured on the job about a year and a half ago.
    > Since the time I went to an AME and received a rating. As
    > I have been looking for jobs I have found that with other
    > issues that I have (color blindness and hearing problems)
    > that it is hardes for me to find work than just my WC
    > injury. Why dont they look at that also when they
    > determine loss of wages.

    Hello Rick:

    In answer to your question: The only thing considered in a
    workers compensation claim is the disability that you had as a
    consequence of your work at a particular employer. The law
    does not permit the adding of outside disability factors when
    deciding monetary liability because that would make them
    liable for disabilities they did not have a hand in creating.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Rating a disability, 3/22/07, by Rick.
  • Re: Rating a disability, 3/22/07, by ATTORNEY MARSILI.

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