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    Re: Ca workers comp: Broken knee multiple surgerys

    Posted by Lisa on 3/31/07


    That is a part of the same injury as it was a result of it. Any other damage caused
    to you by this one injury at this point while you are on disibility is a part of the
    same case, of course you need to tell your Doctors. Prepare for a LONG JOURNEY
    though. Honestly your settlement is years away so I would focus on things like
    getting your EDD right away and right after that stops you should get temp.
    Disibilility until you become stationary meaning no matter how much treatment
    you recieve you won't get better so that means you are the best you will be so they
    set you free. Then you will start to get Permanent Disibility and that will all come
    out of your settlement check. If you live in CA they will end your treatment soon
    whether you are better or not. They cut the amount of therapy you can have. You
    will be waiting a long time. I met several other people on workers comp and I know
    of one who had similar injuries as you and his case went on for 7 years. Mine is not
    quite settled and it's been going on 5. It will be a while so just make sure you don't
    give up and do what you can to stay sane. I hope you have a supportive family.
    Good Luck!

    On 3/26/07, Attorney Marsili wrote:
    > On 3/26/07, bart wrote:
    >> I was working in socal as diesel tech trainee for one of the
    >> large RV outlets. In jan 06 I slipped and fell out of a RV
    >> coach braking/tearing my knee up. I have had 3 surgerys to
    >> date and my right knee still gives out. 4 weeks ago my knee
    >> gave out in the middle of the night and I broke my left leg
    >> now. Im told I have a great attorney and docter but I no
    >> idea what to expect settlement wise. Also I was a tradesmen
    >> for 25 years and now I no longer can go back to my trade due
    >> to I cant get on my knees or climb a ladder. Not sure how
    >> this all works out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > As your broken leg happened as a consequence of your knee
    > giving out that will be and should be added to the claim and
    > treatment for same should occur through workers comp. As to
    > settlement this will depend wholly on the final permanent
    > disability determinations made by physicians. If you cannot
    > return to the employer once you are considered permanent and
    > stationary in a permanent modified position you will be
    > provided a vocational voucher and the amount will be dependent
    > on the percentage of disability determined on your case. Don't
    > get discouraged over the idea of another position if you are
    > not ready to retire I have had plenty of clients that have
    > restarted their life by entering wholly new fields and have
    > been very happy as a result. Good luck!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Ca workers comp: Broken knee multiple surgerys, 3/26/07, by bart.
  • Re: Ca workers comp: Broken knee multiple surgerys, 3/26/07, by Attorney Marsili.
  • Re: Ca workers comp: Broken knee multiple surgerys, 3/31/07, by Lisa.

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