Re: AIG and other companies violate court orders
Posted by David on 9/16/07
Thanks for you post. My husband David has been fighting AIG
for 7 years, and is now permanently disabled. The Maryland
Worker's Comp system is complex and only the lawyers on the
insurance companies' side benefit. These attorneys are
ruthless and have a vested interest in keeping the case
going and making the claimant look like a fraud. We will
not stop fighting! David has RSD, and it is very painful
and cannot be cured. His treatment plan includes
prescriptions for sleep, pain, and depression, and other
procedures for pain. He has had numerous staph infections,
and other issues.
AIG does NOTHING! You request they IGNORE! It takes
several months years until a judge makes the determination
to force them, and they still delay. We have had them
sanctioned numerous times, but it's no big deal for them!
The AIG attorney makes BIG bucks while the good guy on the
claimants side gets hardly anything.
This has been a horrible experience, and this is a true tale
of David and Goliath!
Laura and David, Maryland
On 8/22/07, Michael Kaplan wrote:
> I suffered both a back and neck injury at work more the
> eight years ago. AIG was the Workers Comp Provider. from
> this injery, I have endured five surgeries. Two discs
> fused in my neck, two discs fused in my lower back and an
> ulner nerve transposition. During all these years, AIG
> has repeatedly either delayed approval or denied approval
> of medical treatments. Before the last back surgery, they
> left me in severe pain and bed ridden for a year and a
> half while they denied the test that wound up showing a
> torn disc. Because of this delay and lack of treatment
> for so long, my SI joint which was also injured, but was
> not treated and has turned sevearly arthritic. A pemanent
> condition that could have been prevented had there not
> been a year and a half delay in treatment. Currently, I
> have been suffering additional pain in my neck which my
> Doctor believes is another herniated disc due to the added
> stress from the two fused discs. He requested an MRI to
> determine if this was the case, and an epidural injection
> fourteen weeks ago. After the first week, Utilization
> review deemed the treetments "Medically Necessary". Since
> that time, AIG has refused to respond to the request or
> approve it. They are just sitting on their hands, not
> approvong or disapproving the treatments. They have
> delayed prescription refills for up to two weeks. I have
> called my attorney three times regarding this, but there
> seems little they can do. There are not penalties for
> these insuance companies when they violate the law, so
> they keep doing it. I started writing the attorney for
> AIG and after eight letters, I started calling them. They
> have refused to take my calls or respond to my letters,
> even through my attorney. Lawyers think they have a free
> pass when it comes to who and how they represent. They
> think they are like swizterland. I think it is time we as
> the injured parties, stop being the only one's that
> follows the rules while the insurance companies and their
> attorneys have a free ride to break the law at will. I
> have started calling the attorney for AIG every 15 minutes
> at his office, and am calling him at his home until either
> they approve my medical treatment or explain why it is not
> being approved. I urge all injured workers to do the same
> if they are being trated like I am. I figure if they are
> not going to follow the rules, why should we. I am
> willing to be the martyr here just so I can have my day in
> court. If we all start harrassing the insurance companies
> attorneys and tie up their phones and staff, and overload
> their voice mail, this will prevent them from being
> productive, and costs them time and in the end money.
> When the costs get high enough, the abuses will stop. I
> want them to have me arrested for harrasment so I can go
> to court and have them explain to the court and media why
> I am being brought to justice for making phone calls to
> get medical treatment that I am legally entited too. I
> think that should make some interesting press and perhaps
> will be the impetus to start getting these insurance
> companies to follow the rules.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- AIG and other companies violate court orders, 8/22/07, by Michael Kaplan.
- Re: AIG and other companies violate court orders, 9/16/07, by David.