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    Post: Workers Comp. Missouri.

    Posted by Alan on 11/04/07

    Ok. Working for the same employer for 2 years 9 months.
    doing a heavy lifting job, sudden pain and discomphort in
    the whole arm, random icing, felt like a text book heart
    attack yet, the heart rate was normal. Reported it to the
    manager and had to sit out an hour doing nothing, following
    limited action,. a week later seen a doctor, had an xray, a
    week later an mri that shown the AC joint inflammed and
    some possible tears. Employer had not filed anything at
    this point. 2 months total went by, trying to work normally
    but in extreme pain the whole time, my general doctor
    switched me pain medicine several times to cope. the
    general doctor got the mri then told me to goto a
    specialist, where then I was told I needed a decompression
    and clas joint re attachment. The night before at home the
    past owner sent me a vulgar and offending message that I
    responded to say dont mess with me right now, I was at
    home, in bed. I had the surgery and was fired for telling
    him in a text at 930 at night from bed not to mess with
    me . My recovery is 2 months minimum and I cannot do my
    job, even if i was to shrug him off, I would never be able
    to do what I have done for +10 years Full time. What should
    I do?


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Workers Comp. Missouri., 11/04/07, by Alan.
  • Re: Workers Comp. Missouri., 11/04/07, by alan.
  • Re: Workers Comp. Missouri., 11/04/07, by alan again.

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