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    Post: workmans comp case in kansas please read new to situation

    Posted by Joseph on 1/15/08

    hi i just have a couple questions about an injury I
    sustained in sept.
    1. my attourney is saying because I have a job i cant get
    any compansation for the time im losing due to the court
    ordered therapy i have to go through and im going to be
    losing at least three hours per day by for three weeks due
    to the time the therapy for my back is scheduled (no there
    is no other schedule I can work to balance out the lost

    2. how long should it take to have the prelim hearing for
    the case? ( happened in sept. took til december 18 from
    what i understand that was good time am i wrong)

    3. if my lawyer is not doing his job properly what would
    be the suggestion to either get him on the ball because
    the job never sent me to their doctor for one for two they
    tried to get me to sign a contract with them with one
    small bit that stated that the company would not be held
    accountable for any injuries occured because of or during
    the job. mind you that little sentence was in a paragraph
    that had no bearing on that statement which was also on
    the second page. Third when they recieved notification
    that i was going for workmans comp they sent a letter to
    my lawyer stating that i worked an entire work day and
    called in the next day saying i went overnight to the
    hospital and i wasnt able to come in to work for the next
    two days. Problem with that was the hospital admitence
    record shows i was there at around 12 to one in the
    afternoon which is during my normal 8am to 5 pm shift.
    what should my attourney have done differently should he
    allowed them to require the therapy or has he been doing
    everything correct so far?
    4. any other information you have would be helpful as well

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • workmans comp case in kansas please read new to situation, 1/15/08, by Joseph.

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