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    Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions

    Posted by Jeremiah on 1/11/11

    On 11/05/10, Randy wrote:
    > On 11/20/08, SEXYMAMA wrote:
    >> On 10/30/08, Linda wrote:
    >>> On 10/28/08, Jason P wrote:
    >>>> On 10/25/08, Linda wrote:
    >>>>> On 10/22/08, S wrote:
    >>>>>> On 9/24/08, Jason M. Pryslak wrote:
    >>>>>>> On 8/10/08, Linda wrote:
    >>>>>>>> I have been off work several months due to an injury and
    >>>>>>>> have recently returned to work but I am still on workers
    >>>>>>>> comp. I have some light duty restrictions put in place by
    >>>>>>>> my doctor. However, since I have returned to work things
    >>>>>>>> have changed and I feel I am being treated badly and am
    >>>>>>>> miserable. Does anyone have any advice or can tell me the
    >>>>>>>> ramifications if I elect to quit my job before being fully
    >>>>>>>> released from work comp restrictions? Thank you so much
    >>>>>>>> for your help.
    >>>>>>> Linda, I am in the same boat as you; I'm not sure that if I
    >>>>>>> resign or quit that I will continue to be able to collect my
    >>>>>>> W.Comp benefits....such as lost wages for time off. They
    >>>>>>> pay me every week, and if I quit will I still get paid. I
    >>>>>>> injured my neck and most likley won't ever be able to the
    >>>>>>> same type of work again. But I can't find any info on the
    >>>>>>> benefits web site, and no-one else has been in my postion I
    >>>>>>> guess.
    >>>>>> Idiots... you can't quit your job and expect the insurance
    >>>>>> company to pay you just because you don't want to work.
    >>>>> First person to post above: I am so sorry that you are going
    >>>>> through this, I know how you feel. I wish there were better
    >>>>> answers for us!
    >>>>> Second person to respond above: I was not necessarily asking
    >>>>> about continued payment, I mainly wanted to know the
    >>>>> ramifications of quitting a job while on workman's comp
    >>>>> restrictions and how this can follow you as you look for other
    >>>>> jobs. This website, I believe, is intended to offer people
    >>>>> advice and support, I find it surprising that an adult would
    >>>>> call other people "idiots" for merely seeking assistance.
    >>>> Jason Wrote: I agree that seeking assistance is not for idiots; I
    >>>> think I would be an idiot not to research all available help on a
    >>>> situation that most people do not ever encounter. And when you do
    >>>> end up in this type of situation....there is no manual to explain
    >>>> all terms. Allot of people seem to think there is some kind of
    >>>> joy in not working....let me tell you it's not fun; it begins to
    >>>> be depressing after a while. Now I have to worry how this will
    >>>> effect any new job I may apply to when I do recover (if I choose
    >>>> not to return to my present employer).
    >>> Linda wrote: Very nicely written Jason!! I completely agree! It
    >>> becomes very depressing not being able to work, not knowing if you
    >>> are going to lose your job, not knowing if you will ever be well
    >>> enough to work at your job or another job. This has truly been a
    >>> traumatic experience for me and has effected not only my work but
    >>> every aspect of my life. It is so much easier to just go to work
    >>> than have to sit home and worry. I really hope things improve for
    >>> you Jason and everyone else out there going through this. If it
    >>> helps, I am happy to report I am seeing some positive results in my
    >>> health, after seeing 2 doctors and months of physical therapy, the
    >>> third doctor I finally tried has put me on medications that are
    >>> actually proving helpful! Please don't give up hope! Take care!
    >> Hi! I am currently on workers comp as well. I am back to work with
    >> light duty as doctor s given. I have lawyer thats involved in this
    >> because of scarring and deformation. Lawyer and my doctor had
    >> recommended me to get another job, the reason is because i could not
    >> phyiscally work for that kind of job. Nov 28th is going to be my last
    >> day and I have been hired for another job starting Dec 1st. i would
    >> recommend u to get an lawyer, lawyer will go for the scarring and
    >> deformating, also if the new job pays lower than what you recieve at
    >> ur current job, lawyer will also go for 2/3 of the difference that
    >> your current job will have to pay. You will not get pay by workers
    >> comp but YOU WILL still get their benefits un til you are fully healed
    >> by the doctor. :-) Hope this is helpful??
    > I to am on workers comp and went back to work with restrictions, I am
    > being treated differently, but my first check that i received went to pay
    > all my medical insurance for the last 2months now i have nothing to live
    > on. and noone can do anything about it, well the company should have told
    > me to come in every week and make a payment on my medical insurance but
    > all they said was dont worry about it just get better and come back to
    > work now here i sit in worse shape than if i just would have stayed home
    > and collected workers comp until i was better to go back to work.
    I have been on workers comp for the past 7 months due to a type 3
    separation of my left shoulder. I am a handyman at work and I am required
    to do alot of lifting including installing ceiling fans and other duties.
    my Dr. is set to start me on physical therapy in the middle of feb 2011
    but I am being told that there is noway that I will be able to perform my
    job duties as currently assigned. I have since applied for another job at
    a local office ansering phone calls and doing customer service work. my 2
    questions are this, (1) is it illegal to apply for another position while
    under workers compensation? (2) can my current employer terminate me for
    apply for said position and cause me to loose my workers comp benefits? I
    was threatened tonight by my boss and was told that he was going to
    contact h.r. and have my job terminated and would not allow me back. I
    have been through the wringer with this injury, including two surgeries,
    one that has left a nasty scare on my shoulder. what are my options. I
    have interviewed with the new employer and hope to be highered within the

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 8/10/08, by Linda.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 9/24/08, by Jason M. Pryslak.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 10/22/08, by S.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 10/25/08, by Linda.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 10/25/08, by Jason Pryslak.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 10/28/08, by Jason P.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 10/30/08, by Linda.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 11/05/08, by TL.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 11/20/08, by SEXYMAMA.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 1/29/09, by BKZ.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 5/02/09, by lg.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 5/13/09, by Nenette.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 5/13/09, by Nenette.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 8/26/09, by R.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 11/05/10, by Randy.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 11/05/10, by Randy.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 1/11/11, by Jeremiah .
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 5/12/11, by john.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 5/12/11, by john.
  • Re: Quitting job while on workers comp restrictions, 9/13/11, by Donna.

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