California, Utah, or Colorado Bar Review Prep

Posted by Chad on 4/16/12
I have the following complete bar prep/review course for sale:
-Kaplan PMBR California Complete Bar Prep material: this is
brand new, never used and for 2012 bar exams; comes with all
the print material and the mp3 discs; price is $1000.
-Kaplan PMBR Colorado Complete Bar Prep material: this was
used for the 2011 Bar exam, but Colorado administers all
NCBE questions, so it is still current; comes with all the
print material and the mp3 discs; price is $500.
-Lawbound Prep Utah Bar Prep material; this was used for the
2011 Bar exam, but covers all of the material tested by
Utah, so it is still current; comes with all the print
material; price is $750.