Restatement of the Law: Torts 2d & 3d, 35 books and supp -

Posted by LIttle Rock, Arkansas on 8/04/12
American Law Institute
Restatement of the Law: Torts 2d & 3d, 35 books and supps
2008 [Tort Law]. Restatement of the Law: Torts 2d & 3d. 35
volumes. American Law Institute Publishers. Set of published
volumes to date with 2008 pocket parts and supplementary
pamphlets. Ex-US District Court library with stamp, a very
good set. Publisher's Price USD 2,350. * Torts 2d & Torts 2d
Appendix (33 vols.); Torts 3d: Products Liability (1 book);
Torts 3d: Products Liability 1984-2003 (1 book); Torts 3d:
Apportionment of Liability (1 book).
You never have enough books and you shouldn't rely on, or
place all of your trust on electronic research. Here is an
opportunity to own a a great set of books at a bargain
basement rate. I have closed my office and I am liquidating.
A very good set, lightly used and in very good condition.
These books are selling used on other websites for around a
$1200.00, I am offering this set for $ 995.00! I will
consider reasonable offer