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    Restatement of the LAW 1st, 2nd & 3rd -Property - $550

    Posted by Little Rock, Arkansas on 8/04/12

    American Law Institute
    ALI Restatement First - Property Set of 4 volumes with
    supplements thru 2008; covers Freehold Estates and Future
    ALI Restatement 2nd - Property Set of 6 volumes with
    supplements thru 2008; covers Landlord/Tenant and Donative
    Transfer issues.
    ALI Restatement 3rd - Property Set of 5 volumes with
    supplements thru 2011; cover Wills and Other Donative
    Transfers, Servitudes, and Mortgages.

    This set is crucial for any attorney dealing with property,
    real estate, creditor, or other related issues. Most of
    these books are selling for around $75-$100 EACH in used
    condition. I am offering this entire set at a very
    reasonable price. If you bought all three sets used online
    they would cost you around $100-$150 for RS 1st, $100-$150
    for RS 2nd, and around $400-$450.00 for RS 3rd.You never
    have enough books and you shouldn't rely on, or place all of
    your trust on electronic research. Here is an opportunity to
    own a a great set of books at a bargain basement rate.Before
    they came to me they were used at the US District Court
    library, they are in very good condition. I have closed my
    office and I am liquidating. A very good set, lightly used
    and in very good condition. I am offering this set for $
    550.00 I will consider reasonable offers.

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