MCLE Credit Information
Posted by MCLE on 8/16/06
ow do I get credit for Boalt events I attend? Boalt
identifies which of its activities offer MCLE credit for
you. For those with credit, you'll find the type and
amount of credit in the activities' description.
At the MCLE credited event, you'll be asked to provide
your signature and bar number as a record of your
attendance. (If you've forgotten your bar number, we can
research or call you later for it). Once you've signed in,
we'll provide you with a certificate stating the time,
date, location, title, and the amount of California
approved education credit earned for the education
I attended an MCLE activity at Boalt and forgot to pick up
my certificate.
Boalt can send you another copy of your certificate. Just
email us at with the following
Your name, as you signed it on the registration sheet
The name and date of the event you attended
The lecture(s) you attended (if applicable). It's helpful
if you can include the name of the lecture, speakers, or
Please feel free to include any questions or comments you
may have
We'll confirm your attendance at the event and send you
your certificate in the mail.