Dallas Bar Association
Posted by Dallas Bar Association on 8/18/06
The Dallas Bar Association (DBA) was founded by 40 lawyers
in 1873, during an era that witnessed remarkable growth in
the city of Dallas. As stated in its first charter -
signed in 1916 by 100 members - the purpose of "the Bar
Association of Dallas" was "for support of a literary
undertaking and maintenance of a library." The Association
has since been dedicated to the continuing education of
its members as well as public service programs and
improvement of the administration of justice. For
years, Association headquarters were housed in the offices
of the then current presidents. In 1937, headquarters were
established in a small space under the stairs of the Old
Red Courthouse. Ten years later, the DBA was the state's
first bar association to incorporate. Incorporators
envisioned the Association someday being housed in its own
building. The DBA has offered members the unique
opportunity of meeting, dining, conversing and learning
together in its own headquarters since 1955. In that year,
the DBA opened its offices, dining room and meeting
facilities on the lobby floor of the Adolphus Hotel.
Membership jumped to nearly 1,500 lawyers by the end of
the decade and the facilities were remodeled and expanded
in 1965. In 1979, the 3,600-member Association moved into
the restored home of the late Col. A.H. Belo, founder of
The Dallas Morning News. Now, the Association boasts an
even more incredible home thanks to the addition of The
Pavilion at The Belo Mansion, a dynamic new space for
meetings, social events, and community gatherings.
Approximately 9,000 lawyers are members today in this
voluntary association. The DBA's image in the community is
one of respect and influence, holding an enviable
reputation among metropolitan bar associations throughout
the nation.
Dallas Bar Association