Posted by SJCL on 8/18/06
San Joaquin College of Law provides Minimum Continuing
Legal Education (MCLE) programs which are required of
California Attorneys and Paralegals.
For more information about the requirements, please visit
the following web page at:
The State Bar of California
On September 13, 2000, Governor Gray Davis signed AB1761;
a bill which defines the term paralegal/legal assistant as
an individual who works under the supervision of an
attorney who must meet certain educational criteria and
must complete continuing education. The intent of this
bill is to differentiate those who work under the
supervision of an attorney and those who provide services
directly to the public. For those who work under the
supervision of an attorney, the only intended change to
the profession is a higher standard of education and
mandatory continuing education to utilize the title of a
paralegal. The duties of those who work under the
supervision of an attorney have not changed and the bill
codifies existing case law.
Marilyn Brewer, California Assemblywoman
Regarding: The Most Frequently Asked Questions Regarding
AB 1761
For more on the most frequently asked questions about the
requirements for Paralegals please visit:
Paralegal Most Frequently Asked Questions
Business and Professions Code Section 6450(d)
All paralegals shall be required to certify completion
every three years of four hours of mandatory continuing
legal education in legal ethics. All continuing legal
education courses shall meet the requirements of Section
6070. Every two years, all paralegals shall be required to
certify completion of four hours of mandatory continuing
education in either general law or in a specialized area
of law. Certification of these continuing education
requirements shall be made with the paralegal’s
supervising attorney. The paralegal shall be responsible
for keeping a record of the paralegal’s certifications.