ALI-ABA Continuing Professional Education - ALI-AB
Posted by ALI-AB on 8/19/06
ALI-ABA In-House MCLE Accreditation and Compliance
In-house training can be an excellent way to obtain CLE
credit for your lawyers. Most mandatory CLE states provide
credit for in-house training, but complying with the range
of requirements for accreditation can be burdensome and
For your convenience, ALI-ABA In-House can help your
office qualify its in-house programs for credit. ALI-ABA
is an accredited CLE provider in nearly all MCLE states.
Our experienced CLE team will apply for credit for your
program in the states you specify, supply all of the forms
and information you will need at the event, report your
lawyers’ credit, maintain attendance records, and answer
all of your MCLE questions before and after the program.
This service is available to your office whether you
engage ALI-ABA In-House for training or conduct internal
programs using your own lawyers as trainers.
For more information, call ALI-ABA In-House at 1-800-CLE-
NEWS (253-6397), ext. 1614, or e-mail