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    Quo Jure -- MCLE

    Posted by Quo Jure on 8/19/06

    Lawyers lose without well-written briefs.

    But research and writing takes time, and there's no way to
    compress it.

    A practicing lawyer's time vanishes: in court, in
    deposition, in conference, in transit, on the phone, at
    CLE, paying the bills, making it rain, hiring and firing
    staff, and taking care of the myriad other
    responsibilities of a private practice.

    Research and writing demands focus, expertise,
    perseverance, native ability, and an affinity for the task
    that not every lawyer can muster.

    But somebody has to actually find the cases, read them,
    think about the structure, and then write, revise, and re-
    write until the argument's force is irresistible.

    That's what we do.

    Our research attorneys are skilled professionals. They do
    efficient, reliable research and write polished documents
    that are concise, lucid, and easy to read. And as part of
    our commitment to quality control, we edit all documents—
    at no extra cost—to ensure that they are free of spelling,
    grammatical, stylistic, and typographical errors. We
    protect the confidentiality of our customers' information
    at all times. We stand behind our work, and we meet

    Quo Jure

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